Our Mission

Welcome to GLOBAL EDUCATION MAGAZINE! Global Education Magazine is inspired by universal values of the Declaration of Emerging Human Rights that aims to contribute to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by United Nations (MDGs) which is supported by the Regional Offices of Latin America and the Caribbean of UNESCO and UNHCR. An initiative launched by the teaching team that formulated the proposal most voted […]

Honorary Membership

Foundation Culture of Peace President / Former Director-General of UNESCO Federico Mayor Zaragoza Honorary Membership In recognition of his life commitment on a Culture of Peace, Education for Sustainable Development, Human Rights and Democracy   Javier Collado Ruano along Former Director-General of UNESCO and Foundation Culture of Peace President, Federico Mayor Zaragoza in Madrid, July 2015. Federico […]


Although countless people have given their time and skill to the project, Global Education Magazine relies on your donations both to support those developers working full-time on this increasingly complex project, and to cover hardware (this server) and administrative costs (i.e. domain registrations). We would also like to start a legal defense fund should the […]

Learning to Feel-Think-Act with Nature

PhD Javier Collado Ruano speaks about how to learn biomimetically from nature to solve human problems.

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  • Sustainable Development Goals

    One of the main outcomes of the Rio+20 Conference was the agreement by member States to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals and converge with the post 2015 development agenda (click here for information on different work streams). It was decided […]

  • World Education Forum 2015

    World Education Forum 2015 19-22 May 2015, Incheon, Republic of Korea Equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030 Transforming lives through education Resource: http://en.unesco.org/world-education-forum-2015/ The World Education Forum 2015 will provide a unique platform for global leaders in education, ministers, policy-makers and representatives of civil society, teachers, experts and the private […]

  • Global Citizenship Education

    Global Citizenship Education for 2015: Strategies, Politics and Perspectives Prof Javier Collado Ruano talking about Global Citizenship Education (UNESCO)  and Rio+20 The fast-approaching 2015 deadline for meeting the Education for All (EFA) goals, and the parallel process of setting the post-2015 development agenda, have prompted significant reflection and discussions over the kind of education we need and want for […]

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