Global Education Magazine: School Day of Non-violence and Peace (January 30th 2013)

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On January 30th, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was murdered, and since 1964 the Day of Non-violence and Peace has been celebrated at schools from all over the world.
This edition has the socio-psycho-pedagogic goal to promote the multidimensional resolution of all disputes.
Welcome to Global Education Magazine! This is a consciousness raiser project founded to humanize educational activities by means of pedagogical efforts, which will definitely set the beat of peaceful melodies of the 21st century. Harmonious melodies of social, individual and anthropological metamorphosis, which will represent the polyphonic-epistemological basis, in order to visualize altruistic and environmentally sustainable scenarios. In this sense, the world-society must develop new multidimensional synergies of glocal nature to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) performance, because they are systemic, interconnected and interdependent targets: just like our own neural connections in our brains.
Our goal is to disseminate educational experiences (formal, non-formal and informal) from all over the world, creating new “glocals” networks to reflect about the value and significance of education in the XXI century globalized age. Some reflections that demand to contextualize the globalization tackling global dynamics (economical, political, cultural, social, educational, religious, etc.) with a complex thinking process and a holistic, poly-logic, multireferential, planetary and cosmic vision that proposes pragmatic alternatives for a changing, multidimensional and interdependent world.
Its aims is to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities. For that reason we promote copyleft and creative commons for the dissemination of the magazine.

Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, to develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving global citizenship, solidarity, and committed to poverty eradication and sustainable human development.

Their preferred writers are come from educational scientific community with international projects, humanitarian and voluntary activities, as well as cooperation and development: Public and Private Educational Institutions, NGOs, Development and Cooperation Associations, International Volunteers, etc
We have the followings publications in the current journal:

Some articles are available for blinds


Constellation of Twinned NGOs-Schools: A Symphony of Interpersonal Solidarity.
La Constelación de Escuelas-ONGs hermanadas: una sinfonía de solidaridad Interpersonal.
Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition
Education on the Frontline. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova
SPECIAL: Culture of Peace and Non-Violence / Cultura de Paz y No-violencia
Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz. Entrevista al Sr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Ex-Director General de UNESCO
Campaña del ACNUR apoya los 16 Días de Activismo contra la Violencia de Género.
Towards a Culture of Peace and Sustainable Development Drawing from a Philippine ExperienceCecile Guidote-Alvarez, Director at UNESCO Dream Center
A critical interview with Henry Giroux.
A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Richard Forer.
A Race to the FutureWoroud Sawalha
Métamorphose radicale de l´éducation pour l´humanité.
Metamorfosis radical educativa para una situación humana radical.
 José María Barroso Tristán, Secretary of Educational Alternatives
1st)  Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations Section:
Pachamama: una iniciativa de educación para la pazMª Carmen Moreno Luna y Miguel Ángel Moreno Luna
Global Forum & Bangladesh: The Situation and Obligations of Bangladesh MigrantsSheikh Nasir Ahmed
Los Pilares de la Educación y la Interculturalidad. Una aplicación práctica para trabajar la educación intercultural desde las imágenes y la música. Mónica Moya López
De Madres de Soacha a sujetas políticas: Capacidad de agencia ante la impunidad en Colombia. Rocío Mateo Medina
Esperanto kaj neperforto. El Esperanto y la No-violencia. Javier Alcalde
2nd) Global Education Section:
Raising Awareness of Global Education Amongst Young PeopleOkafor Akachukwu
available for blinds, Global Education MagazineEducación para el Desarrollo y Animación Sociocultural: un enfoque desde la participación comunitaria. Itahisa Pérez-Pérez
Una Esperanza en Medio del Conflicto. Caracterización de algunas iniciativas sociales para combatir la violencia pandilleril en Guatemala. Karen Nathalia Cerón Steevens
Entre planejamento e execução: atividades de Educação Ambiental na Educação de Jovens e Adultos brasileiros. Valdir Lamim-Guedes, Pedro Luiz Texeira de Camargo e Cidnei Marschalk
Peacebuilding and Trauma Trasformation. Is sustainable peacebuilding possible without addressing and transforming trauma? Civijeta Novakovic 
3rd) Transversal Studies Section:
Anticoncepção de Ensino de Filosofia para a Educação Básica Global: a Aprendizagem Filosófica Dialógica Transdisciplinar. Dante Augusto Galeffi
The Peace Process Will Not be Tweeted Monica Curca
El Ecoturismo como herramienta para mejorar la Educación Ambiental: el caso de la: República DominicanaFrancisco Orgaz Agüera
The Life Vest Inside™ Kindness Curriculum: Understanding, Refining, Implementing and Growing in Kindness from Kindergarten through Fifth GradeLydia Criss Mays
La evaluación del impacto de la formación en los trabajadoresFátima Romera Hiniesta
In addition, we also have other interesting letters with useful information:
What is global education about? Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti
Seeking Peace. Shahbaz Israr Khan
El agua: tema central para la seguridad alimentariaGabriela Grau y Fabiola Tábora, Global Water Partnership
From Swords to Ploughshares: Study Abroad as a means of post-conflict Peacebuilding. Mark Flanigan
No country of white men. Marie Mainil
Peace and Conflict Resolution. Democratic Republic of Congo. Samuel M. Muderhwa
ELSA – take your future in your own hands! Natalia Buczek
Towards a 21st Century Heavenly Paradise on Earth. Melcir Erskine-Richmond
How Human Legacy is UNITED in My HeartCatharina van Staveren
Excuse Me, Can You Repeat That? Cathryn Cushner Edelstein
بين أربعة جدران متجدد Bilal Abu Jafar

Global Education Magazine encourages all readers to participate in the coming edition: World Health Day (April 7th)

World Health Day, 2013, Global Education Magazine, WHO

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 Let us know how to improve our work in:

Category: Africa, Arabic, Asia, Central America, Child Health, Combat HIV/AIDS, End Poverty and Hunger, English, Environmental Sustainability, Español, Esperanto, Europe, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Interviews, Maternal Health, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, North America, Oceania, Português, Private Institution, Public Institution, Refugee and displaced, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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