Global Education Magazine: World Refugee Day (June 20th 2013)

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While the world-society close its eyes, refugees, stateless, asylum seekers and internally displaced people are suffering each day.

This edition wants to raise awareness about transcultural links to develop a new identity “Earth-Homeland”.

Sağlık! The mission of Global Education Magazine is to propose a moral agreement between all interested people to reflect on a new perspective for the future of humanity. If we look ahead to the future, the 21st century education should promote the transformation of planetary culture through the consciousness of human beings. This new vision of reality has to be holistic, polilogic and transdimensional: understanding the human being as an integral part of the cosmos as a whole.
In this sense, transdisciplinarity represents the capable germ to promote an endogenous development of the evolutionary spirit of internal critical consciousness, where religion and science are complementary. Respect, solidarity and cooperation should be global standards for the entire human development with no boundaries. This requires a radical change in the ontological models of sustainable development, global education and world-society. We must rely on the recognition of a plurality of models, cultures and socio-economical diversification. As well as biodiversity is the way for the emergence of new species, cultural diversity represents the creative potential of world-society.
Global Education Magazine aims to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities. For that reason we promote copyleft and creative commons for the dissemination of the magazine.

Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, to develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving global citizenship, solidarity, and committed to poverty eradication and sustainable human development.

Their preferred writers are come from educational scientific community with international projects, humanitarian and voluntary activities, as well as cooperation and development: Public and Private Educational Institutions, NGOs, Development and Cooperation Associations, International Volunteers, etc
We have the followings publications in the current journal:

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 Transdisciplinary Education as Ethic of the Diversity Reform in the World-Society of the 21st Century

Educación transdisciplinar como reforma ética de la diversidad en la sociedad-mundo del siglo XXI.

Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Global Education Magazine

SPECIAL: Refugees: the Dreamed Return/Refugiados: El retorno soñado. Ruth Marjalizo

World Refugee Day: the Hidden Truth of Refugees. Ruth Marjalizo

Los refugiados también existen en las Américas. Francesca Fontani, ACNUR Américas

Un Avenir Pour Tous, Refugies y Compris! Sonia Colasse
Did you know about the… UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award?


Interview with “Mama” Hawa Aden Mohamed, 2012 Nansen Refugee Award.

Refugiados Educativos. José María Barroso Tristán, Secretario de Alternativas Educativas


1st) Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations Section:

Reflecting on Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Tertiary Education in South Africa: Tension Between Refugee Protection and Education Transformation Policies. Callixte Kavuru
Overcoming the Mental Health Stigma and Facilitating Cultural Integration for Refugee Youth by Providing Counseling Services at School. Ralitsa Rano.
La tecnología de consumo vs Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio: ¿De qué está hecho tú móvil? Olga Moreno Fernández y Clara Beatriz Pascual Hernández
Nessun Essere Umano É Illegale. Laura Sampietro
Los Grupos de Ahorro y Crédito como procesos educativos de fortalecimiento comunitario. Carlos Madrilejos Ornilla 
Administrative challenges and IDPs in Odisha: experience from Subernarekha irrigation project, India. Madhulika Sahoo

2nd) Global Education Section:

Why is the Destruction of Women, as Women, a Reality, But Absent in International law? Kali Goldstone
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 Educar la empatía para construir una humanidad solidaria. Juan Carlos Melero
Promoting Youth Values Through Art. Dorina Marin

3rd) Transversal Studies Section:

Building Resilience Through the Child-to-Child Approach. Celine Woznica.
Refugiados do clima: reflexões para o Dia Internacional dos Refugiados. Valdir Lamim-Guedes
Like a Rollercoaster. Detention Centres for Foreigners in Poland. Gawel Walczak
A sensibilidade musical desde uma ótica epistemológica. Considerações sobre os aspectos físicos envolvidos. Pedro Javier Gómez Jaime y Félix Marcial Díaz Rodríguez

In addition, we also have other interesting letters with useful information:

‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’: Invest in Refugee Education to Expand Human Capacity. David Dickson
Are we learning enough life? Anna Barchetti Durisch
To Support Democratic Transformation and Good Governance Interventions. Huwayda Mohamed Ibrahim

Les mots sont beaux quand ils peuvent unir les enfants./ Words Are Beautiful When They Bring Children Together. Sonia Colasse

20 de junio: Día Internacional del Refugiado. Monica di Marco
Brief on UDYAMA. Pradeep Mohapatra

Global Education Magazine encourages all readers to participate in the coming edition: International Day of Democracy (September 15th)

International Day of Democracy, Global Education Magazine

 Deadline on August 9th

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