Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters
Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute (ITI)
- Everyone is eligible to join the “Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters”.
- Each entry must focus on the theme of climate change as described in these rules. We cannot solve the crisis of human survival unless we address the Armageddon of global warming. The entry must have a compelling dramatic narrative line that aims at generating the will to build a mindset of disaster risk reduction, resilience in communities, and a healthier sustainable future for children. The entry should be based on a real-life experience that is available from numerous accounts from around the world. A short paragraph should be appended to the entry, identifying and describing the climate change issue that is tackled in the play.
- The term “climate change” is defined the way it is defined in Article 1 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), namely, change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.” As explained by UNESCO, “Carbon dioxide and other gases in Earth’s atmosphere act like a greenhouse moderating the temperatures we experience. These warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising.” The UN 3rd Conference on Disaster Reduction was just held in Sendai. The declaration and results of the inclusive management concerns and building of resilient cities are accessible in the UNISDR web. Likewise, the web notes of UNESCO on education for sustainable development will be interesting briefers for participants. Other sources are UNEP and IPCC.
- Each entry may be written by one or more playwrights. In case there is more than one playwright, a written statement signed by each contributing playwright should accompany the entry, certifying that each playwright will get an equal share of the cash award, if the play wins.
- The title of the play, the name/s and contact information (email address, mobile phone number, and mailing address) of the playwright or playwrights, and the estimated playing time on stage should be indicated on the first page of each entry. A scanned copy of the contestant’s passport or other identification card (containing name and address) should accompany the entry; in case there are two or more playwrights, scanned copies of their passports or identification cards should be attached.
- Each play should run for at least 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes without intermission on a stage. There is no limitation on the type of stage to be used. If it will not be a proscenium stage, there should be an indication in the page that describes the setting of the play. The drama can integrate lyrics if there is music composition required. It can also include in the stage instructions if mixed media is used, the necessary visuals desired.
- There will be one (1) prize for the best play. The prize of Five Thousand US Dollars (USD 5,000.00) will be given by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDRR) headed by Dr. Margaret Wahlstrom, the special representative, of Secretary-General Ban ki moon.
- The criteria for choosing the winning play are: 50% quality of writing and 50% accuracy and effectiveness of the twin message of confronting climate change and generating resilient and disaster-prepared communities.
- The winning play will be given to every member country of the United Nations, for staging on stage or adaptation to radio, television, and/or film through the mechanism of dissemination of information via the UNESCO National Commissions through the cooperation of the office of the UNESCO Director-General, Dr. Irina Bokova. It will be accessible for replication through the network of UNESCO associated schools and the UNESCO Assembly of Goodwill Ambassadors and Artists for Peace.
- The copyright to the winning entry will remain with the playwright or playwrights. The project is organized through the Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute and ITI-CIDC Social Action Network and the Earthsavers-UNESCO Artist for Peace under the direction of Cecile Guidote-Alvarez.
- Notwithstanding Rule 10, the playwright or playwrights will allow the International Theatre Institute (ITI) to stage the play (live on stage) for one performance each in each United Nations member country without payment of royalties. The playwright or playwrights will allow the staging and or dramatic reading of the play at a United Nations and/or UNESCO event without payment of royalties. The playwright or playwrights will allow ITI Philippines to premiere the play on radio with live Web streaming, without payment of royalties, in Filipino translation. Subsequent performances, as well as radio, television, and film productions, have to pay royalties to the playwright or playwrights. Similarly, all translation rights belong to the playwright or playwrights and any translation into languages other than that or those of the original play needs explicit written permission from the playwright or playwrights to be done, except in the case of ITI Philippines, as provided above.
- Each entry can be written in any language or combination of languages, but plays not in English should be accompanied by an English translation of the entire text
Each entry (in pdf form) must be received on or before noon of 30 August 2015 (Manila TimeS) by email to ITI Philippines Secretary General or by postal service stamped august 30 . Send to: ITI-Earthsavers UNESCO DREAM Center, Gotesco Twin Towers B, Unit 1203, Natividad Lopez St. , Ermita, Manila, Philippines.
- The project is a contribution to the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of UNESCO. It has been conceived to demonstrate the immense value of a cultural communications ingredient as a force for education in popularizing scientific data in symbols people can understand and relate to, as well as to provide a conscienticizing platform to help forge the collective will for the crucial global deal in Paris, to prevent the irreversible threshold of two-degree Centigrade of devastation. It is also meant to call attention to the dynamic possibilities of applying effectively an arts-based psycho-social therapy to heal trauma of victims and refugees of disasters as part of recovery and reconstruction efforts to address the mental health of survivors. It aims to harness a creative army of artists concerned to help confront the global challenge of survival of humanity and Mother Earth.
- The winner will be announced on October 15, 2015.
- The awards will be given in appropriate ceremonies at a proposed side event at COP21. If not in the home country of the winning playwright or, in the case of several playwrights, in the home country of the first playwright listed on the title page of the play. A dramatic reading of the winning play is being arranged through the UNFCCC secretariat headed by Ms. Christiana Figueres, as part of a continuing Tri-Continental South-South Intercultural Interfaith Dialogue on Defying Disasters, co-convened by the Philippines, Colombia, and Kenya, coordinated through the Earthsavers UNESCO DREAM Center, Ocean Security International, and Climate Institute
- The decision of the board of judges is final and unappealable.
- The board of judges is composed of Isagani R. Cruz of ITI Philippines (chair) and a representative of ITI Director-General or President through the International Playwrights Forum (IPF). For content consultation and dissemination of rules, the board of judges will be assisted by UNESCO, UNEP, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), and the Office of Commissioner Heherson Alvarez of the Philippine Climate Change Commission.