Publication Rules

General Information: writers and contents           

Global Education Magazine is published by the NGO “Education for Life” with DMMDC partnership.

It is a quarterly scientific journal with international perspective that publishes for free in all official language (preferably in English).

Its aims is to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities. For that reason we promote copyleft for the dissemination of the magazine.

Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving global citizenship and solidarity, and to commit to poverty eradication and sustainable human development.

Their preferred writers come from educational scientific community with international projects, humanitarian and voluntary activities, as well as cooperation and development: Public and Private Educational Institutions, NGOs, Development and Cooperation Associations, International Volunteers, etc

The journal is divided into three sections:

1st) Social actions and educational experiences of Cooperation and Development to achieve the Millennium Development Goals of the  United Nations by 2015 and 2025.

2nd) Experiences and ideas to raise students-citizens awareness toward Global Education (Education for Development, Human Rights Education, Education for Sustainability, Education for Peace and Conflict Prevention, Intercultural Education, Citizenship Education, Values Education, etc.).

3rd) Investigations, transversal studies, innovative and creative ideas for improving social rights, education and environment (international relations, role of states, globalization consequences, inclusive education, curriculum reforms, teacher training, etc.)

General rules to send the articles:

The letter of authorship and the articles will be sent in Word format to:

I. Authorship charter, submission, acceptance of the rules of publication and transfer of intellectual property rights.

The author (maximum 3) will send the charter in a file entitled:

transfer_name_surname. (Example: transfer_Albert_Einstein)

The letter template may be found in Review Guideline I.

II. Articles

To write the article, consider the style of Review Guideline II.

  1. Name of the file. Shall be sent to the article in a file entitled: article_name_surname. (Example: article_Albert_Einstein).

  2. Format. The article must comply with format specified in Review Guideline III.

  3. Title. It will be as enlightening and concise as possible, written first in English and then in its official language.

  4. Abstract. Shall provide an abstract in English and other one in the official language (no more than 400 words each). The abstract should be structured in accordance with the format: Introduction, which will include the objective or purpose of the research; Methodology, will include basic procedures (design, sample selection or cases, methods and techniques of experimentation or observation and analysis); Results, main findings (give specific datas and their statistical significance, when applicable) and Conclusions.

NOTE: Thinking well about the title and abstract is very important, because the full paper reading of your article by potential readers will depende of them  (especially in electronic searches).
  1. Keywords. After the abstract, shall include 5 to 10 key words or descriptors (in total), expressed in English and your official language (five and five). Could use keywords and terms internationally accepted in the field of education to express concepts and content.

  2. Extension. In all cases, the maximum length will be 4500 words (including title, keywords, abstracts (in English and official language), article body, notes, references and graphic elements.

  3. Structure of the article. It is recommended that the article covers, at least, the followings aspects: defining the problem or topic being studied, theoretical background, design and methodology, results, discussion of results, conclusions, limitations of the study and, when appropriate, prospective.

  4. Names, symbols and nomenclature. Authors should use those that are standardized for each discipline.

  5. Sketches, drawings, graphs, tables, equations, etc. Shall be numbered consecutively according to the type (table, graph…), and will be inserted in the correct location within the body text of the article. We recommend that they have good legibility in order not be distorted.

  6. Footnotes page. Will be numbered consecutively and will collect text footnotes, restricting them to a minimum necessary. The bibliographic references are not accepted as footnotes page.

  7. References (bibliographic and webgraphic). All references are included at the end of the article and the veracity of these quotes is the responsibility of the author(s). Shall be presented in alphabetical order and shall conform to APA standards (Review Guideline II). All references included in the text of the article should have their contact data at the end of the article in “References”.

III. Editorial Process

  1. Reception of items. The journal publisher made an initial evaluation based on checking the adequacy of the article to thematic profile, their interest according to the editorial of the journal, as well as compliance with the formal submission requirements required in the rules of publication. Reception of the articles does not imply their acceptance.

  2. Peer review system. Will be given two or more expert reviewers from our Editorial Board, who will evaluate the items as confidential and anonymous (double blind). The reviewers will use the protocol annexed (Review Guideline IV) for their evaluation. Final acceptance is conditional to the authors incorporating in the article all the modifications and suggestions for improvements proposed by the reviewers if it is necessary, and being sent within 10 days.

  3. Criteria for selection of reviewers. The selection of reviewers is the responsibility of the editors of the magazine, who will take into account academic and scientific merits as well as their professional experiences.

  4. Editorial decision. The criteria for acceptance or rejection of work are:

    a) Presentation: writing, organization (logical coherence and material presentation).

    b) Originality.

    c) Relevance to solve specific problems.

    d) Current and innovative.

    e) Significance: for the advancement of scientific knowledge.

    f) Reliability and science validity: contrasting methodological quality.

Upon completion of the evaluation process, the author(s) will be notified of the acceptance or rejection.

IV. Copyleft.

  1. Permission to reproduce published material. The content of the works may be reproduced in whole or in part, citing sources and requesting written authorization to Global Education Magazine before the publication of such material.

  2. Cite articles published in Global Education Magazine. It will always include the following information: Global Education Magazine, journal number, pages and year of publication.

V. Ethical responsabilities

  1. The journal does not accept previously published material. The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permission for partially reproducing material (text, tables, figures, videos, etc.) from other publications and to quote their sources correctly. These permissions must be submitted both the author and the publisher of such material.

  2. The list of signing authors must include only those persons who have contributed intellectually to the work.

  3. The journal expects authors to declare any commercial association that may pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.

Global Education Magazine encourages all readers to participate!
(It is free and it will continue to be free!)


Download publication rules and review guidelines   

Descarga todas las normas de publicación y anexos en castellano (español)


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