Along the River – Provence, France
It is while canoeing and mountain biking that children, pre-teens, teenagers or families learn to become Scientists along the riverside. Stopping at different biodiversity hotspots, taking samples and measurements, not forgetting the catch of the day, participants are ready for a real scientific monitoring between rivers…
A fixed camp base, camping at the end of the day, staying up all night at the waterside, this activity is targeted at the adventurous spirit that lies within kids!,555-+.html
Along the River!
During the course of this Programme, participants will all be immersed in different scientific studies and projects relating to aquatic life in forests and highlands.
Archaeology fans, crazy about little aquatic animals, will study in groups how to save the forest by a unique discovery on Watercourse Management.
Domains: Environment, Biology, Ethnology, Anthropology,
Ecology, Water, Zoology, Agronomy Haut du formulaire
> > Group Project
Participants will discover the techniques of studying river courses and conduct research under the guidance of scientific educators with the Swiss-based NGO Objectif Sciences International.
This activity is the result of merging two major themes “Along the River” and ‘”The Time of our Ancestors”! Therefore, allowing the NGO to satisfy at the same time kids passionate about Environment and Archaeology.
Many rivers are located around the Science Camp and they are just waiting for enthusiastic kids to come explore them. Going out on the fields and conducting a real naturalist research will be the major activity on the ground – including discovering the river world: insects, frogs, fish, plants…
Kids learn to recognise and understand what exactly a river is, while establishing the relationship between the aquatic fauna and flora on the one hand, and land animals on the other hand. They also conduct a whole lot of experiments to discover interesting facts about rivers, including taking water samples that can be later analysed in the laboratory.
This semi-archaeological semi-biological activity allows participants to discover the world in which we lived in during the Neolithic period. Usually, kids don the explorer’s costume and participate in a real scientific research. By creating a village of lake cabins, they re-create the lives of early men and hence go back in time. They also reproduce tools used in the past and make use of them, thereby learning to live like our ancestors.
This great project in which kids and teens take part in, teaches them to reconstruct a part of the Neolithic village in order to understand the evolution of Man since that period. Then, they observe how Neolithic farmers cultivated their plants and reproduced seeds.
Children taking part in this activity become key actors in the advancement of this unique scientific project, oriented towards revisiting the uses of rivers and wetlands to develop and protect the biodiversity of the forest.
In summer 2008, kid-participants in the Science Camp named ‘Forest Mystery’ took part in conducting a research on the composition of the forest soil and its inhabitants. For some days, they joined forces with the “Along the River” participants measuring the flow of underground water in the forest of Praboure in the Region of Auvergne in France…
Provence (France)
Located in the Vercors and Dévoluy, the buildings used by the NGO Objectif Sciences International allow participants to enjoy breathtaking beautiful landscapes, and also take a breath of fresh air… while being re-energized for the tasks ahead!
The concepts studied during this Programme
Ecosystems, Renewable Energies, Anthropology, Amphibians, Biology, Population Biology, Ceramics, Water, Fossils, Excavation, Biotic Indices, Insects, Photosynthesis, Physiology, Polished Stones, Aquatic plants, Fish, Prehistory, Early Man, Reconstitution, Rivers, etc…
Equipment used
Aquarium, petri dishes, kick net, herbarium, binoculars, mobile lab, magnifier, Binoculars, Archaeology materials, laboratory materials, microscope, measurement tools, digital photography, Archaeological remains, etc…
Information and registration:
Or your usual contact within the NGO objective Sciences International
Email = or call us at Tel Switzerland: 022 550 36 75
Tel Québec : +1 (514) 907-2351
Tel France : 04 73 95 83 77
Tel Belgium : 023 181 251
This article was published on 22nd March 2015, for the World Water Day, in Global Education Magazine.