END 2018 – #Education and New Developments 2018 in Budapest, Hungary
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (1st Call for Abstracts) International Conference on Education and New Developments 2018 23 to 25 of June, 2018 – Budapest, Hungary http://www.end-educationconference.org/ = Important Dates = Abstract submissions: until 24 November, 2017 Authors’ notifications: from 8 January, 2018 Registration and Final Submission: until 5 February, 2018 = Conference Goals […]

World #poverty could be cut in half if all adults completed secondary #education
A new UNESCO policy paper shows that the global poverty rate could be more than halved if all adults completed secondary school. Yet, new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) show persistently high out-of-school rates in many countries, making it likely that completion levels in education will remain well below that target for […]

Aprender a sentir, pensar, actuar con la #naturaleza @TEDxCuenca
En esta charla, el PhD Javier Collado Ruano, nos habla de la importancia de mirar biomiméticamente cómo la naturaleza resuelve sus problemas para poder aplicar soluciones parecidas a nuestros propios problemas como especie y sociedad. Es profesor titular de Filosofía de la Educación en la Universidad Nacional de Educación de Ecuador, Doctor en Difusión del […]

2º Congreso Iberoamericano de Educación para la Innovación #EDU_INNOVA_2017
CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE EDUCACIÓN PARA LA INNOVACIÓN 6 – 7 octubre 2017 CONVOCATORIA PARA PRESENTAR PONENCIAS en modalidades on-line, vídeo y e-poster DESCARGAR LAS BASES DE LA CONVOCATORIA El CENTRO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Y ESTUDIOS GERENCIALES (Capítulo España) conjuntamente con EUROAMERICAN LEARNING UNIVERSITY, invitan a profesores, investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes de postgrado, a presentar […]

Aid to #education falls for the sixth consecutive year
The amount of aid allocated to education has been falling for six years in a row, shows a new policy paper, Aid to Education is Stagnating and Not Going to Countries Most in Need, published by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. Total aid to education stands at US$ 12 billion – 4% lower than […]

Global Action Programme on #Education for #SustainableDevelopment #SDGs
The Global Action Programme (GAP) on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) seeks to generate and scale-up concrete actions in ESD. It is intended to make a substantial contribution to the post-2015 agenda. The GAP is the follow up to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). There is now a growing international recognition of […]

Third UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education
‘The UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education’ took place in Ottawa (Canada), and it presented a unique platform for discussion on two key programmes of the Education Sector, namely Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), and their practical contribution in achieving Target 4.7 of the Sustainable […]

UNESCO Week on Peace and Sustainable Development highlights teachers’ role in achieving Global Development Agenda
More than 400 experts, practitioners and policymakers from the public, non-governmental and private sector from all regions will attend UNESCO Week on Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education, in Ottawa, Canada from 6 to 10 March. Organized by UNESCO and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, the event will focus on Education for Sustainable […]

NGOs from Bangladesh and Germany to receive UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for Innovation in #Education
The 2016 UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize recognizing two outstanding projects that make innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education for the benefit of disadvantaged groups will be awarded on 21 February to the Online School Project, operated by Jaago Foundation in rural Bangladesh, and to Harnessing the Power of […]

7º Congreso Internacional de Educación y Gerencia Avanzada 2017
CONVOCATORIA 2017 PARA PRESENTAR PONENCIAS Y COMUNICACIONES CIENTÍFICAS (modalidades on line, vídeo y e-poster) Información general Reconociendo las múltiples competencias cognitivas, morales y emocionales que fundamentan el hecho educativo y gerencial, considerando las particularidades culturales que configuran el contexto iberoamericano, y teniendo como eje vertebrador el compromiso del quehacer científico ante los complejos y […]