CSEDU 2015: International Conference on Computer Supported Education
CSEDU 2015, the International Conference on Computer Supported Education, aims at becoming a yearly meeting place for presenting and discussing new educational environments, best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, institutional policies on computer supported education including open and distance education, using computers. In particular, the Web is currently a preferred medium […]

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
www.iisd.org The International Institute for Sustainable Development is a Canadian-based, international public policy research institute for sustainable development. Since it was first articulated in the Brundtland Commission’s Our Common Future in 1987, sustainable development has never been superseded by a more compelling or universally-acceptable expression of humanity’s shared goals. At its simplest level, any form of […]

Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP)
www.whiteband.org “Challenging the institutions and processes that perpetuate poverty and inequality across the world to defend and promote human rights, gender justice, social justice and security needed for survival and peace” The Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is a growing alliance that brings together trade unions, INGOs, the women’s and youth movements, […]

GENE Global Education Network Europe
www.gene.eu GENE (Global Education Network Europe) is the European network of Ministries, Agencies and other national bodies responsible for support, funding and policy-making in the field of Global Education. Started in 2001 with 6 national structures from 6 countries, GENE now has grown to facilitate the sharing of policy learning between over 30 Ministries, Agencies and other national […]

Development Perspectives
www.developmentperspectives.ie Development Perspectives is a development NGO that explores, examines and acts upon a range of issues and challenges that face our world. It is essentially a development education organisation that aims to involve people in the local and global development process. A few observations about the world around us from our perspective – • The […]

Youth Crime Watch of Nigeria, an NGO in Special Consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council
ycwnigeria.org Human rights are “basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status. Economic, social and cultural rights are socio-economic human rights, such as the right to education, the right to housing, and the right to health. Economic, social […]

Global Sustainability Solutions
glossolutions.com ‘Global Sustainability Solutions’ is a reservoir of sustainable solutions that integrates expertise from commercial and non-commercial organizations to bring out the collective strength to achieve a sustainable world. While it provides a pool of global experts, it’s multi-disciplinary partnerships including business organizations, non-governmental organizations, research organizations, media agencies, community groups and other organizations strengthens the movement to create […]

Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies
We are a global transdisciplinary network and fellowship of concerned academics and practitioners. We wish to stimulate systemic change, globally and locally, to open space for dignity and mutual respect and esteem to take root and grow, thus ending humiliating practices and breaking cycles of humiliation throughout the world. We suggest that a frame of […]

EUROCLIO: History Education Beyond Borders
EUROCLIO is calling YOU to register in its Spring Annual Conference which will take place this time in the heart of Balkans, city of Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia between 31 March-6 April 2014. The 21st Annual Conference is expected to be one of the most significant events in the history of EUROCLIO Annual Conferences. It is the first time, history associations […]

Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya
The Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya (IHRC) carries out three parallel. yet independent, lines of work; the promotion, consultation, and teaching of human rights. In each of these areas special attention is given to relations with other institutions, network participation and study and research activities. In the area of promotion, activities of different types are carried out on diverse […]