2015 #EFA #Gender Report: Less than half of countries have achieved gender parity in #education
A new Gender Report compiled by UNESCO’s EFA Global Monitoring Report (GMR) for International Day of the Girl Child, shows that fewer than half of countries – of which none in sub-Saharan Africa – have achieved the goal of gender parity in both primary and secondary education, even though all were supposed to achieve it […]
¿Qué sabe el pez…?
Néstor es un joven ambicioso de veinticinco años que acaba de terminar su brillante carrera de arquitectura en Madrid y, acostumbrado a buscarse la vida y llenarla de diversión y placeres, empieza a descubrir que no todo es cómo se lo habían contado. Las circunstancias que le rodean comienzan a dar giros inesperados. Aparecen personas […]

Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: The Land Beyond Borders for our Planetary Youth
Interconnecting dreams in the land beyond borders. Photo in Vitsa, Greece. Spanish version Around the world, young people of both sexes look to the future, and question current socio-economic models that are based on the irrational exploitation of natural resources. While it is true that capitalist systems have brought enormous material benefits, their functionalist view subordinates […]

International Youth Day: Interview with Kailash Satyarthi, 2014 Nobel Peace Prize
2014 Peace Nobel Award Kailash Satyarthi during his speech in the World Education Forum 2015 . Javier Collado Ruano: Dear Kailash Satyarthi, my name is Javier Collado-Ruano. I am working in Brazil as a professor in the University, and we have followed an approach with the nattier, indigenous people, and with poor people living in the […]

Interview with Aya Chebbi, African Youth Movement Founder
Javier Collado Ruano: Dear readers, it is a pleasure for me to introduce my friend Aya Chebbi, a well-known Pan-African Tunisian blogger and activist. I met her during the Global Citizens Movement of CIVICUS World Alliance, which took place in Johannesburg late in the year 2013, and I am still impressed with all her achievements. […]
Juventude e tecnologias: Experiências de projetos sociais no Rio de Janeiro
Gianne Neves é Mestre em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, coordena projetos com jovens no CECIP – Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular – Rio de Janeiro, Brasil e é pesquisadora na área de juventude. E-mail: gianneneves@cecip.org.br .. . Resumo: Este artigo é um relato de como jovens moradores da cidade […]
Playing For A Goal in Siem Reap, Cambodia
Para muchas personas alrededor del mundo, el deporte y el juego son inmediatamente asociados a la noción de infancia. A través del juego los niños exploran, inventan y crean. Desarrollan habilidades sociales, aprenden a expresar sus emociones y ganan confianza sobre sus propias capacidades. Sin embargo, para la mayoría de niños de Siem Reap, Camboya, […]

Global Education Magazine: International Youth Day
Download here Global Education Magazine: International Youth Day “A youth is to be regarded with respect. How do we know that his future will not be equal to our present?” Confucius . Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: The Land Beyond Borders for our Planetary Youth Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de 2030: una tierra más allá […]

$2.3 Billion Required to Send Children to School in War-Torn Countries
Français A new paper by UNESCO’s Education For All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR) shows that 34 million children and adolescents are out of school in conflict-affected countries. The most vulnerable are the hardest hit: the poorest are twice as likely to be out of school as their counterparts in peaceful countries. The paper shows […]

2,3 milliards de dollars sont nécessaires pour scolariser les enfants des pays frappés par la guerre
English version Selon un du Rapport mondial de suivi sur l’Éducation pour tous (GMR) de l’UNESCO, 34 millions d’enfants et d’adolescents ne sont pas scolarisés dans les pays touchés par un conflit. Les plus vulnérables sont les plus durement atteints : pour les plus pauvres, la probabilité de ne pas être scolarisé est deux fois plus grande […]