World #poverty could be cut in half if all adults completed secondary #education
A new UNESCO policy paper shows that the global poverty rate could be more than halved if all adults completed secondary school. Yet, new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) show persistently high out-of-school rates in many countries, making it likely that completion levels in education will remain well below that target for […]

Aprender a sentir, pensar, actuar con la #naturaleza @TEDxCuenca
En esta charla, el PhD Javier Collado Ruano, nos habla de la importancia de mirar biomiméticamente cómo la naturaleza resuelve sus problemas para poder aplicar soluciones parecidas a nuestros propios problemas como especie y sociedad. Es profesor titular de Filosofía de la Educación en la Universidad Nacional de Educación de Ecuador, Doctor en Difusión del […]

Global Report on Adult Learning and #Education calls on countries to invest in lifelong learning
Adult learning and education can improve health and well-being, employment opportunities and develop local communities, according to the third Global Report on Adult Learning and Education (GRALE III), produced by UNESCO’s Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). The main objective of the report, launched today on the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day, is to take […]

“Africa’s Official Ministerial Summit” confirms an impressive attendance from #Africa to the 2016 Summit to be held in #Nairobi
“With still 11 weeks to go, Innovation Africa has so far confirmed 17 African ministers and their delegations for the summit” Confirmed John Glassey, Managing Director, AfricanBrains. The Innovation Africa Summit 2016; Africa’s leading annual Education and ICT forum is proud to announce that they have to date received confirmations from 17 dignitaries from Africa, […]

263 million #children and #youth are out of #school from #primary to upper #secondary
Some 263 million children and youth are out of school, according to new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). This is equivalent to about a quarter of the population of Europe. The total includes 61 million children of primary school age (6-11 years), 60 million of lower secondary school age (12-14 years), and the first […]
Innovation Africa 2016: Kenyan Cabinet Secretary Confirms Official & Exclusive Patronage
Bringing Together Africa’s Leading Decision Makers AfricanBrains is proud to announce the 6th Innovation Africa Summit and is delighted to confirm official patronage from the Government of Kenya. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has enthusiastically endorsed the summit to take place from 20th to 22nd September 2016 at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. In his patronage […]

Teaching programmes in #Cambodia, #Malaysia and #Malawi to receive @UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize
Three programmes to help teachers perform more effectively have been named as winners of the 2014-2015 UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize for Outstanding Practice and Performance in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Teachers, on the recommendation of an international jury of education professionals. The Prize will be awarded on 5 October as part of World Teachers’ Day celebrations at UNESCO […]
@UNESCO Mobile Learning Week 2016: harnessing #technology for quality #education
Strategies and practices to maximize the potential of mobile technologies in education will be the focus of UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week 2016, which will take place at the Organization’s Headquarters from 7 to 11 March. The five-day event will bring together technology experts, government representatives, education specialists, project managers, researchers and industry partners from around […]
Les filles sont deux fois plus nombreuses que les garçons à ne jamais commencer l’école, d’après l’eAtlas de l’UNESCO
Journée internationale de la femme Près de 16 millions de filles âgées de 6 à 11 ans ne fréquenteront jamais l’école primaire, contre environ 8 millions de garçons si la tendance actuelle se poursuit, selon de nouvelles données de l’Institut de statistique de l’UNESCO (ISU).* Publié en amont de la Journée internationale de […]

40% don’t access #education in a language they understand @GEMReport #MLD2016
A by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) reports that 40% of the global population does not access education in a language they understand. The policy paper, ‘If you don’t understand, how can you learn?’ released for International Mother Language Day (21 February), argues that being taught in a language other than their own […]