Constellation of Twinned NGOs-Schools: A Symphony of Interpersonal Solidarity
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Welcome to Global Education Magazine! This is a consciousness raiser project founded to humanize educational activities by means of pedagogical efforts, which will definitely set the beat of peaceful melodies of the 21st century. Harmonious melodies of social, individual and anthropological metamorphosis, which will represent the polyphonic-epistemological basis, in order to visualize altruistic and environmentally sustainable scenarios. In this sense, the world-society must develop new multidimensional synergies of glocal nature to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) performance, because they are systemic, interconnected and interdependent targets: just like our own neural connections in our brains.
Consequently, we must contextualize the MDGs under a radical, creative and holistic epistemological perception, which considers the world-society integrated in its entirety, and not as the sum of its parts dissociated from each other. An epistemological change in which transdisciplinary approach is simultaneously based on plurality and unity of current’s planetary setting emergency of knowledge society, which corresponds to the common-responsibility of everyone with everything. Thus, humanity must promote new educational networks of altruistic cooperation that symbolize a symphony orchestra that spreads of world peace.
In this way, as school microcosm embodies the true reflection of social structures macrocosm, of their own phenomenological and hermeneutical context, the future of humanity passes by the curricular (re)adjustment of the present education systems before the globalizing techno-economist dynamics. This is challenge that requires deep educational innovations of global willingness that promotes intrinsic reforms from its own ontological nature of the ecology of the intelligence; and become, ultimately, in the genesis of a cognitive democracy: composed by new transcultural and transpolitical symbiosis between the different civilizations that have been formed on the earthly homeland in the last six millenniums.
To achieve this, it is essential to understand the synaptic response that neuropedagogy provide for us, because the altruistic help actions to our neighbor activates the same biochemical processes of cerebral reward which release the inside genuine happiness neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine). Consequently, it requires a reorganizational transformation which develops a real neuronal constellation of interpersonal solidarity through a common minimum curricular, where universal ethical values serve as the fundamental meeting point, emanated from Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Democracy.
A common minimum curricular unifying force of heterogeneity and pluralism, because when it is about music, art, literature, philosophy and thought, cultural globalization do not tend to uniformity, but rather the opposite: the world´s cultures are fertilized themselves engendering planetary children. We talk about the need to create a transcultural, mixed birth, hybrid and cosmopolitan educational process, which acts as a new vibration pattern, as crossing waves in water. We talk about the reconceptualization of schools and its social function as psychological builders of future generations’ citizens.
We talk about re-baptize schools and empower them. Moreover, saving them from academic drift and moving them into a global social reality: where 40,000 people die every day from causes stemming from extreme poverty. We talk about creating NGOs-schools, which are twinned with one another, and which develop altruistic educational projects of cooperation in all corners of the Earth-Homeland. We talk, in short, of becoming aware of the responsibility to build, today, tomorrow´s schools. Some schools should be internationally organized, in peaceful scenarios and non-violent ways, as a true symphony orchestra of interconnected consciousness-galaxies, because on them will depend the real educational praxis transformation of the world.
Javier Collado Ruano
Director of Edition
This article was published on January 30th: School Day of Non-violence and Peace in Global Education Magazine