Earth Rights Institute
Sustainable Economics for the 21st Century
A Five Part Teleseminar
Co-Hosts: Alanna Hartzok and Wendell Fitzgerald
Consciousness in its fulfilled, developed state will bring the ‘dismal science’ of economics to an evolved and higher level – to the status of Enlightened Economics. – Ron Robins
The five 90-minute teleseminars will be held the first Sunday of every month beginning August 5.
There will be two or three Guest Speakers per teleseminar; sessions recorded; all participants invited and empowered to respond to Calls to Action emerging from the teleseminar.
Teleseminar keywords: commons trusts, the wealth divide, earth rights, jubilee laws, the end of poverty, earned versus unearned incomes, cooperatives, sharing the world’s resources, new land ethic, person/planet finance, ethical markets, new economics, PROUT, resource rent and land value taxation, environmental justice, from war to peace, from crisis to transformation.
Further info and Registration Link also here:
August 5
I. Economics and Conscious Evolution – series overview; exploring the relationship of economics to physical, mental and spiritual health; three scenarios; what is “political economics”?; land rights and the person/planet relationship; PROUT’s social psychology and evolution of the social cycle; individual and common rights and responsibilities; “barefoot economics”; Call to Action.
Guest Speakers: Michael Towsey (Australia), Acharya Santoshananda (India)
September 2
II. The Wealth Divide – deep consideration of current realities of poverty and economic inequality, both within the US and worldwide; focus on Africa; Enclosures; the “resource curse” and the corruption of economics; the “law of rent”; jubilee justice laws of Abrahamic faith traditions; addressing the land problem; cooperatives.
Guest Speakers: Gordon Abiama (Nigeria), John Kelly, Prakash Laufer
October 7
III. Sharing the Commons – separative consciousness and genocide; unity consciousness and commoning; property rights paradigm shift; land value capture and commons trusts; jubilee justice public finance policies; restoring ecosystems; from ecocide to sharing and caring for the world’s resources.
Guest Speakers: Kevin Annett, Lisinka Ulatowaki, James Twyman
November 4
IV. Economics of War and Peace – Land and resource wars; financial domination; US foreign policy; ecocide; shifting from “full spectrum dominance” to full spectrum sharing; the money question; religious conflicts; resource rent for public revenue; geo-confederation for conflictzones; earth rights democracy.
Guest Speakers: Frank Dorrel, Eliza Griswold, Fred Foldvary
December 2
V. Commons Based Economics Local to Global – creating the new peace and justice economics grid; financing the green economy; holistic integrated green tax shift; building local based economies; land value taxation and affordable housing for all; practical actions, realistic and achievable goals; from the grand chessboard to the greatest game on earth.
Guest speakers: Hazel Henderson, Gary Flo, Karl Fitzgerald (Australia)
Sponsored by the Conscious Evolution Teleseminar Group, this Sustainable Economics teleseminar is FREE OF CHARGE. Participant limit: 200
For further information and registration link go here:
Note Teleseminar Time: First Sunday of every month beginning August 5th at 1:00pm US West Coast / 4:00pm US East Coast/ 9:00 PM London and Lagos. To find the time in other time zones go to: theWorld Clock