Earth Rights Institute


Sustainable Economics for the 21st Century

A Five Part Teleseminar
Co-Hosts: Alanna Hartzok and Wendell Fitzgerald


Consciousness in its fulfilled, developed state will bring the ‘dismal science’ of economics to an evolved and higher level – to the status of Enlightened Economics. – Ron Robins


The five 90-minute teleseminars will be held the first Sunday of every month beginning August 5.

There will be two or three Guest Speakers per teleseminar; sessions recorded; all participants invited and empowered to respond to Calls to Action emerging from the teleseminar.

Teleseminar keywords: commons trusts, the wealth divide, earth rights, jubilee laws, the end of poverty, earned versus unearned incomes, cooperatives, sharing the world’s resources, new land ethic, person/planet finance,  ethical markets, new economics, PROUT, resource rent and land value taxation, environmental justice, from war to peace,  from crisis to transformation.

Register here

                                  For  Sustainable Economics for the 21st Century

                Further info and Registration Link also here:     



August 5

I. Economics and Conscious Evolution – series overview; exploring the relationship of economics to physical, mental and spiritual health; three scenarios; what is “political economics”?;  land rights and the person/planet relationship;  PROUT’s social psychology and evolution of the social cycle; individual and common rights and responsibilities; “barefoot ­­economics”; Call to Action.

Guest Speakers: Michael Towsey (Australia), Acharya Santoshananda (India)                                                                                                                         

September 2

II. The Wealth Divide – deep consideration of current realities of poverty and economic inequality, both within the US and worldwide;  focus on Africa; Enclosures; the “resource curse” and the corruption of economics; the “law of rent”;  jubilee justice laws of Abrahamic faith traditions; addressing the land problem; cooperatives.

Guest Speakers: Gordon Abiama (Nigeria), John Kelly, Prakash Laufer

October 7

III. Sharing the Commons – separative consciousness and genocide; unity consciousness and commoning; property rights paradigm shift; land value capture and commons trusts; jubilee justice public finance policies; restoring ecosystems; from ecocide to sharing and caring for the world’s resources.

Guest Speakers: Kevin Annett, Lisinka Ulatowaki, James Twyman

November 4

IV. Economics of War and Peace –  Land and resource wars; financial domination; US foreign policy; ecocide; shifting from “full spectrum dominance” to full spectrum sharing; the money question; religious conflicts; resource rent for public revenue; geo-confederation for conflictzones; earth rights democracy.

Guest Speakers: Frank Dorrel, Eliza Griswold, Fred Foldvary

December 2

V. Commons Based Economics Local to Global – creating the new peace and justice economics grid; financing the green economy; holistic integrated green tax shift; building local based economies; land value taxation and affordable housing for all; practical actions, realistic and achievable goals; from the grand chessboard to the greatest game on earth.

Guest speakers: Hazel Henderson, Gary Flo, Karl Fitzgerald (Australia)


Sponsored by the Conscious Evolution Teleseminar Group, this Sustainable Economics teleseminar  is FREE OF CHARGE. Participant limit: 200

For further information and registration link go here:

Note Teleseminar Time:  First Sunday of every month beginning August 5th at 1:00pm US West Coast / 4:00pm US East Coast/ 9:00 PM London and Lagos. To find the time in other time zones go to: theWorld Clock




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