Education All Children for Nonkilling

Francisco Gomes de Matos, Global Education MagazineFrancisco Gomes de Matos

an applied peace linguist, President of the Board, Associação Brasil-América (ABA)


Education All Children for Nonkilling, Francisco Gomes de MatosIf you want to communicate peacefully

with these two principles you could comply:

“Friendly interaction always CREactivate”

“Communicate Peace commit to apply”


If you want to communicate peacefully

ideas, views, feedbacks freely exchange

interpret disagreements respectfully

learn to extend your empathic range


If you wan to communicate peacefullyEducation All Children for Nonkilling, Francisco Gomes de Matos, ABA, global education magazine

humanizing words you warmly choose

and kind phraseologies use tactfully

so your patience you will never lose.



Do you want to communicate peacefully?

anger, animosity, hatred, violence please

never show

your “inguistic neghbor” always see


and in Nonkilling Language Power you

will grow.


This article was published on September 15th: International Day of Democracy, in Global Education Magazine.

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