Global Education Magazine: Human Rights Day
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We speak here of the challenge of the dichotomies of war and peace, violence and non-violence, racism and human dignity, oppression and repression and liberty and human rights, poverty and freedom from want.
Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Address (10 December 1993)
AMANDLA! Global Education Magazine is based on a new awareness focused on ethics, solidarity and cooperation as essential values for the common future of humanity. A humanity which has a complex pluriculturalism, which is inherited from the same genetic code: cosmic-biological and cultural-historical, as we proceed from the same cosmic post-Big Bang evolution. Consequently, the anthropic cosmological principle, underlying in the existence of human life, implies making out a new collective and trans humanist horizon.
Headed for that horizon, Human Rights are a lighthouse and a reference point that helps 21st century sailors to understand the transnational values, autopoietic life, multidimensional dignity, transcultural equity, trans humanist solidarity, planetary coexistence, global peace, complex knowledge, and cosmic freedom more easily.
To achieve this, world-society needs a cognitive molecular revolution which correlates intelligence, thought, and consciousness as interdependent neurobiological base of the ecological understanding of the human spirit. In this sense, the common human evolution is a multireferential gnoseologic horizon which must respect the trans nature of the human nature: the quantum-cosmological consciousness.
Global Education Magazine aims to create and disseminate specialized knowledge with multi, inter and transdisciplinary contents, with original works of research, studies, reviews and innovative experiences to improve management and practice of institutions and organizations with humanitarian and philanthropic educational activities. For that reason we promote copyleft and creative commons for the dissemination of the magazine.
Global Education Magazine is destined to raise awareness, to develop critical thinking, and encourage the active participation of students in achieving global citizenship, solidarity, and committed to poverty eradication and sustainable human development.
Their preferred writers are come from educational scientific community with international projects, humanitarian and voluntary activities, as well as cooperation and development: Public and Private Educational Institutions, NGOs, Development and Cooperation Associations, International Volunteers, etc
We have the followings publications in the current journal:
Some articles are available for blinds
Human Rights: From a Cosmological Anthropic Principle to the Molecular Revolution of Quantum Consciousness
Derechos Humanos: del principio antrópico cosmológico a la revolución molecular de la consciencia cuántica
Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Global Education Magazine
Statement by FW de Klerk on the Death of Nelson Mandela
SPECIAL: Emerging Human Rights. Ruth Marjalizo González
“Solidaridad sin fronteras para los derechos humanos de los refugiados” Entrevista a Osvaldo Laport, Embajador de buena voluntad de ACNUR.
Interview with Marta Benavides: “Human Rights and 23rd Movement”
Building a Global Citizens Movement: Towards a World Citizens Movement. The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and Orientations
Les droits de l’homme commencent dès l’enfance / Education about Human Rights begins in Childhood
Sonia Colasse
1st) Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations Section:
The Reversibility of Economic Social and Cultural Rights in Crisis Contexts. Felipe Gómez Isa
Collaborative Proposal Development Towards Sustainable Communities. James Furze, Quanmin Zhu and Feng Qiao
Livelihoods and Empowerment: A Case Study of Burmese Refugees in Thailand. Dana MacLean
Dadaab Refugees Fear Repatriation will deny them the Right and Freedom to University Education. Mugo Mugo
The Special Case of the Right to Primary Education of Children with Disabilities in India: Legally Lacking. Payel Rai Chowdhury