Importance of the Observer in #GlobalEducation
Foundations of Physics Institute, Slovenia
Abstract: We can build planetary society on something that is common in every human being regardless nationality, religious views and social status. Physics suggests that in worldwide education we enhance theoretical and experiential research on the observer which has the same source in every human being. Observer origin is beyond human mind, it reaches into consciousness itself which is the ground for real intelligence, creativity and coexistence between different cultures and nations.
Key Words: global education, observer, mind, consciousness.
- Introduction
In the age of globalization, when the world is becoming increasingly linked economically, it is necessary to develop education that will allow a real integration between people of different religions, nations and races. Education today all over the world has foundation in history, religion and nationality. These are important subjects however they do not have enough cohesion elements, which would allow global education, whose aim is to make people feel belonging to the “human civilization” and “global society” on planet Earth. [1]
Today’s education in order to obtain the necessary cohesion elements for the development of “global society” must be enriched with scientific achievements in the field of natural sciences who study the origin of “observer” in humans. In physics, the observer is one of the key elements of research. Results of recent research in the field of epistemology suggest that the origin of the observer is in consciousness, which is common to all physicists irrespective of religion and ethnicity. In physics, the “observer” is independent entity that works in every human being on the same principles: it allows him to be aware of their thinking processes, self-performances, memories, in short, to be aware of the functioning of the human mind.
- Experiential research on the origin of the observer
Global education advocates exploring the observer not only in theory but also on the experiential level. The more someone is watching how his mind works, the more he is aware of himself as “an observer”. The observer does not belong to any religion, nation or race and as such is a cohesion element that can enable the development of a global society where national, religious or any other identification will be secondary, primarily, however, will be awareness being a member of the “human civilization” in other words be a member of “global society”.
The observer is the link between natural sciences and social sciences, because observer is aware of the mental models of the world in science and in social sciences; at the same time observer is aware of the physical and social reality that these models describe. We can say that the observer is the starting point of science in general; its origin up to now has not been searched in details, theoretically and experientially.
Research on the origin of the observer allows discovery of consciousness which is the common denominator of all people, regardless of their national, racial and religious affiliation. In every human being consciousness is one that performs the function of the observer. In this sense, searching for the origin of the observer is the only element that can really connect people to each other and is the cornerstone of global education.
- Compatibility of rational and conscious approach to life
As has already been said by Albert Einstein, the problems that arise in a particular way of thinking are not solvable within this thinking. Purely rational approach to solving the problems of today’s society will not have the desired results because it does not affect the foundation of the problem which is the fact that modern society and its education system ignores exploration of the fundamentals of the observer, that is, exploration of consciousness.
The Copenhagen interpretation of twentieth-century physics says that observation (by observer) of set superposition of elementary particle result in realization of superposition which is observed. Physics of the twenty-first century, however, revealed that the observer by measuring the time which is only a mathematical quantity creates the duration. As long as no measurement exists there is no is duration, which means that really we live in Eternal NOW, whose existence has been predicted by Albert Einstein: “…there is something essential about the NOW which is just outside the realm of science. People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” The observer which regularly observer the way mind functions will discover inner psychological time through which he experiences the world. Linear time “Past-Present-Future” has its origin in the human mind. The universe does not exist in time; in the universe time is only numerical sequence of events that run in the eternal NOW [2,3].
- God and consciousness are formless and beyond human imagination
The observer can be aware of all contents of the mind, of mind imaginations of different gods and deities in which people believe. Finally observer acknowledges that all gods are creations of the human mind. God in its essence is formless and human mind cannot imagine it. Also atheists are believers which believe that God does not exit which is faith like any other. It is wrong to think that the gods in which people believe have their existence per se. The gods are the result of human cognitive performance, “sanctity” of the world is much deeper, is without form and timeless [4,5,6,7]. Human God imagines are the major impediment to the realization “sanctity” of the world and life.
The observer which becomes aware the way mind functions cannot identify with images of gods; he made the first step towards recognizing the “sacredness” of life. Awakened observer experiences life directly without that his mind would describe it. This direct experience is synthetic, conscious, scientific experience is analytically and rationally. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive, but complementary. Rational experience allows the development of science and technology, conscious experience allows the development of real “experiential ethics,” which gives us experience a deep connection with the world, nature and the people of the world “, that puts life before profit.
- Conclusions
Global education stresses that every person has all the necessary “tools” to detect “sacredness” of the world, which are the foundation of personal happiness, inner peace and coexistence with nature and people. Global education develops human intellect and is at the same time awakening consciousness. Intellect without consciousness operates only within the narrow egoistic interests, and is dangerous for today’s human society. Technologically advanced society requires that human reason is enriched with consciousness that allows him to live in harmony with nature and fellow human being. In this context, the theoretical and empirical exploration on origin of the observer, which is common to all human beings, is an indispensable element for the development of modern society.
1. Sorli, Srecko. Planetary Education for Peace and Nonviolence. Coastal meetings, ISSN 0350-5723 1991, vol. 16, no. 116, p. 183-185. [COBISS.SI-ID 47474432]
2. Fiscaletti, D. and Sorli, A .: “Perspectives of the Numerical Order of Material Changes and Timeless Approaches and Physics” Foundations of Physics45, 2, 105-133 (2015).
3. Amrit Sorli. On the Origin of the Observer. American Journal of Modern Physics. Vol. 3, No. 4, 2014, pp. 173-177. doi: 10.11648 / j.ajmp.20140304.14
4. Amrit Srecko Sorli, Integral Science for Global Education,
5. Amrit Sorli, Dusan Klinar, Integration of Science and Religion with Self¬ Experience of the Observer, Journal for Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Science, No. 7 July 2010
6. Amrit Sorli, Integration of Scientific and Religious Experience, Scientific GOD Journal | June 2010 | Vol. 1 | Issue 4 | Page 279-281,
7. Sorli, Srecko, TOPLAK, Ludvik, KRIŽANIČ, Robert, Vettori, Giancarlo. Einstein’s relativity bridges science and religion. 1st ed. Ptuj: Viva Libris, 2010. 28 p. ISBN 978-961-92840-1-8. . [COBISS.SI-ID 252674048]
This article was published on 5th December 2015, for the International VolunteerDay at Global Education Magazine.