ISSN and Certificates
From our point of view, the academic educational philosophy based in the division of the knowledge toward indexation in the Science Citation Index (SCI) is a new tool of neo-colonialism. It supposes that there is a verticalisation of knowledge within human beings. This is a typical mistake by the positivist epistemology used by researchers of the 20 century and preceding.
We promote the complex thinking as a fertil way to achieve a holistic understanding of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations by the world-society, creating a horizontal dissemination of the knowledge, where teachers, Nobel Prizes, volunteers, students, etc. could share their reflections in a common space.
For that reason, Global Education Magazine is not indexed in SCI.
However, we will send you a certificate after the publication of your paper (in order to apply for merits in scholarships, competitive or entrance examinations, etc.), because Global Education Magazine is a digital journal from Almansa (Spain), inscribed in the bibliographic database of the Ministry of Culture of Spain with ISSN 2255-033X
Thank you very much for your understanding.