Peace and Conflict Resolution. Democratic Republic of Congo
PCR President Founder & coordinator
Background of the PCR
Peace and Conflict Resolution was founded in Bukavu, South-Kivu by MULUMEODERHWA MUDERHWA Samuel and his wife Faida in 2004. They both completed a High diploma from the school of Mediation in Nairobi in 2006. This challenged them to continue to expand the vision of PCR, with advance and guidance from Dr. and Mediator David Silvera from Israel who is among the advance Members of PCR. The people of Eastern D.R.Congo have passed through unimaginable chaos caused by the wars that have taken place in the region. PCR is a humanitarian organization and not a political one. Its aims to create peace and reconciliation, to bring broken families together, to give vulnerable children hope, and encourage women who have been affected by the war. PCR activities focus on education to nurture and promote responsible decision making and problem solving skills. PCR was registered with the division of Justice and human right ministry under this number JUST.G.S.112/S-KV/2673/ 2008
PCR is focused on resolving conflict at community level. We strive to establish a society where people and communities are empowered with the skills to overcome conflict and take charge of their destiny. PCR is currently based in South-Kivu but envisages reaching other areas in our country in the future.
Outlined the history of the conflicts in the DRC (see Background to the conflicts in the DRC below). By 2008 the war in the DRC had killed 5.4 million people. And mostly in Eastern of D.R.Congo were infected most,
Rape and violence against women and children is a fact of such conflicts. Most of deaths in the DRC were of civilians from side effects of the military conflict such as dysentery. Major thing causing conflict, is Militias groups, Mineral and ethnics, and unpaid armies and Police
P.C.R Plan and Current Activities
- Conflict resolution skills training and seminars
- Psychological support/ counselling and Drama workshops
- Peer education/ drug abuse awareness rehabilitation
- Entrepreneurial training and handcraft skills development
- Children Rights awareness and advocacy in community and schools
- Sport cohabitation activities &Adult Education
- Both Healing Spiritually and trauma
• Political aspect is not yet ready to charge in the area, peace-builders are doing a lot to train people on how to living peaceful, but because of bad leadership and selfishness of politicians thing is so difficult.
• UN-Peace-Keepers (MONUSCO) who are in the area, in the ground people aren’t happier for their works, as people thinking that they are collaborating with enemies who making people to be suffering,
• PCR continuing to build the strong leadership in peace building, provide skills training, caring and give hope to hopeless groups.
• Supporting through Education and give some physical support to the victims of war, we are seeing people changed while meet with us and be healed their wound of hearts.
• Through our Activities, and involving some friends from Nationally and international:
(like on December 2010, we had a Volunteer from Nova Southern University from Florida USA, he was volunteering in our program for 2 weeks, we done several activities with him, During the time of his work at PCR, Safeer demonstrated his deep love for Vulnerable Children, young single mothers, youths, and HIV infected people, he also demonstrated creativity in his work and Sensitivity to the needs of the needy community at large. He visited 4 schools; two in Bukavu and two in rural areas , facilitated in Conflict resolution training; he did therapy and counselling to the victims of the war, met with traumatized people, we organized free both medical and how to defend the victims of violence camps, visited wells of waters)
on 13th January 2011-17 February 2011, we had with other Volunteer named Melanie Lambert from Kingston University London, Melanie demonstrated her deep love for Vulnerable Children, young single mothers, displaced families, youths and HIV infected people, and she also demonstrated creativity in his work and Sensitivity to the needs of the needy community at large. She visited schools; in Bukavu and in rural areas, facilitated in Leadership training, and workshop for the young single mothers, theme was trauma healing. She did therapy to the victims of the war, met with the victims of war (the traumatized people) in two Villages and in Bukavu City, she work with our team workers in door to door visiting in Slums and talk to victims of war and encourage them.
On July 2-9- 2011 and July 5-13 2012, we had with Dr. Ani Kalayjian the psychology professor at Fordham University NY/ USA and she is a President of Meaning Full World she trained 100 people for 2 days Peace workshop, the participates were Police and Soldiers chefs officers, Lawyers, Health workers, disabled persons, religious leaders, people from Media among other groups and NGOs, the theme of the 2 days workshop was 7 steps of Trauma healing. She had time with displaced families, young single mothers, and she Lectured at UCP University.
– Maya Moseley, she stayed with us for 2 months works with displaced families, Maya she is the student from Cairo Egypt. She was here in January and February 2012
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This article was published on January 30th: School Day of Non-violence and Peace in Global Education Magazine