Letters from the Future for the Generation of 2015: Water and Sustainable Development
Learning the secrets of water. Diving in Nusa Lembongan (Indonesia)… with MANTAS!! Versión castellano Today, March 22 of the year 2093, we the people of the Earth Confederation celebrate the first century of World Water Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 1992. We believe we have discovered the way to […]

Second UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Building Peaceful and Sustainable Societies: Preparing for Post-2015
Download final report here On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO Second UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) Building peaceful and sustainable societies: preparing for post-2015 In support of the UN Secretary-General’s Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) 28-30 January 2015, Room XI, UNESCO HQ, Paris Organized by the Division of Education for […]