#UN Secretary-General’s Initiative Aims to Strengthen #Climate Resilience of the World’s Most Vulnerable Countries and People
Focus on early warning-early action systems, insurance, and increasing investment in bid to accelerate climate resilience efforts A new initiative to build climate resilience in the world’s most vulnerable countries was launched today by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and 13 members within the UN system at COP21, the Paris Climate Conference. The new initiative will […]

International Youth Day 2015 – Youth Civic Engagement
Ms. Akke M. Draijer-de Jong is initiator and co-founder of the Foundation Kebon Sepatu Indonesia-Netherlands. She leads a team of experts in the field of Educational Projects in Indonesia and is the liaison officer and spokesperson for the Team of Directors in the Netherlands. amdraijerdejong@yahoo.com – http://www.socialpsychology.org/member/draijer-de-jong . . Abstract: The International Youth Day 2015 […]

Interview with Aya Chebbi, African Youth Movement Founder
Javier Collado Ruano: Dear readers, it is a pleasure for me to introduce my friend Aya Chebbi, a well-known Pan-African Tunisian blogger and activist. I met her during the Global Citizens Movement of CIVICUS World Alliance, which took place in Johannesburg late in the year 2013, and I am still impressed with all her achievements. […]

World Education Forum 2015 adopts Declaration on the Future of Global Education until 2030
Download FINAL Declaration 2014 Peace Nobel Award Kailash Satyarthi during his speech on May 19 In April 2000, the participants of the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, adopted the Dakar Framework for Action “Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitment“. They reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) adopted ten years earlier (Jomtien, […]

Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters
Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) GLOBAL PLAYWRITING CONTEST 2015 Everyone is eligible to join the “Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters”. Each entry must focus on the theme of climate change as described in these rules. We cannot solve the crisis of human survival unless we […]

Carta abierta del Sr. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel al Presidente de los EE.UU. de Norteamérica Barack Hussein Obama
Escucha el clamor de los pueblos! La situación en Siria es preocupante y una vez más los EE.UU., erigiéndose en gendarme del mundo, pretende invadir Siria en nombre de la “Libertad” y los “derechos humanos”. Tu predecesor George W. Bush en su locura mesiánica supo instrumentalizar el fundamentalismo religioso para llevar a cabo las guerras en Afganistán e Irak. Cuando […]
World Health Day 2013 - It is time (Global Education Magazine) from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo.
Health in United Nations: Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Declaration, sets out an historic commitment to eradicate extreme poverty and improve the health of the world’s poorest people by 2015. The Declaration and the resulting internationally agreed targets for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) place health squarely at the centre of the international development agenda and champion it as a key driver […]

Proyectos de la UNESCO para comienzos del año
Compartiendo los valores de Global Education Magazine, la UNESCO ha lanzado esta primavera una serie de proyectos para seguir contribuyendo con sus objetivos de paz y entendimiento a través del fomento de la cultura y la educación. La primavera siempre ha sido vista en el imaginario de cada cultura como un nuevo renacer o comienzo […]

Education on the Frontline. By Irina Bokova.
Article by Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO for Global Education Magazine “Education on the Frontline” January 2013 . . . . Official photo, Director-General, Irina Bokova – There are today 28 million primary school-age children, and as many or more young people, living in conflict areas and denied the chance to learn. This […]