Sustainable Development Goals
One of the main outcomes of the Rio+20 Conference was the agreement by member States to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals and converge with the post 2015 development agenda (click here for information on different work streams). It was decided […]
Along the River – Provence, France
It is while canoeing and mountain biking that children, pre-teens, teenagers or families learn to become Scientists along the riverside. Stopping at different biodiversity hotspots, taking samples and measurements, not forgetting the catch of the day, participants are ready for a real scientific monitoring between rivers… A fixed camp base, camping at the end of […]
Los laboratorios de campo como estrategia de concientización hacia la biodiversidad
Indiana Ramona Montoya Dompé Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua-Managua. Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Chontales. Departamento de Ciencias, Tecnología y Salud E-mail: / web: . Itahisa Pérez-Pérez Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Educación y Psicología Social E-mail:, web: . Resumen: El ser humano a lo […]
Identifying Frontier Research Integrating Mathematic Approaches to Diverse Systems / Sustainability
Identifying Frontier Research Integrating Mathematic Approaches to Diverse Systems / Sustainability You are cordially invited to submit chapters for a book publication with Springer Publishing. This volume will present a collection of the most advanced research in the area, with inclusion from World leading experts across subjects encapsulating the issues which must be covered in […]
Environmental Services in Environmental Education
Valdir Lamim-Guedes Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo (Labjor), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brasil. e-mail: web: . Absctract: Life quality passes by maintenance of some natural conditions and processes through that the ecosystems and species support human life. It’s relevant to speak about this concept with students, pointing out our dependence […]
Brief on UDYAMA
Pradeep Mohapatra Secretary & Team Leader at UDYAMA (India) e-mail: website: . Since last one and half decades, UDYAMA has demonstrated few evidence based initiatives working directly with community and engaging partner NGOs in coastal, tribal areas and carved out good learning on community resilience process. Learning–Linking- Livelihoods is the core areas of UDYAMA […]
UBUNTU Cosmic Energy: the Ethical Basis for Future Worldists
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Namaste! The main goal of the Global Education Magazine is to unite the cooperative efforts of the individual-society-specie for the creation of inter-ethnic dialogues that derive in the construction of a collective intelligence focused on achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Like an isolated neuron or an […]
Entre planejamento e execução: atividades de Educação Ambiental na Educação de Jovens e Adultos brasileiros
Valdir Lamim-Guedes Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Biológicas, Departamento de Biodiversidade, Evolução e Meio Ambiente. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais e-mail: / website: Pedro Luiz Teixeira de Camargo Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Escola de Minas, PROÁGUA, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sustentabilidade Socioeconômico e Ambiental e-mail: […]