Teaching programmes in #Cambodia, #Malaysia and #Malawi to receive @UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize

 Three programmes to help teachers perform more effectively have been named as winners of the 2014-2015 UNESCO-Hamdan bin Rashid Al-Maktoum Prize for Outstanding Practice and Performance in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Teachers, on the recommendation of an international jury of education professionals. The Prize will be awarded on 5 October as part of World Teachers’ Day celebrations at UNESCO […]

Playing For A Goal in Siem Reap, Cambodia

Para muchas personas alrededor del mundo, el deporte y el juego son inmediatamente asociados a la noción de infancia. A través del juego los niños exploran, inventan y crean. Desarrollan habilidades sociales, aprenden a expresar sus emociones y ganan confianza sobre sus propias capacidades. Sin embargo, para la mayoría de niños de Siem Reap, Camboya, […]

Cambodia at a Crossroads: New Laws Would Limit Freedoms

 Translations can be found here: French, Spanish and Portuguese Michael Switow  Global Call to Action Against Poverty Email: switow@whiteband.org / Web: www.whiteband.org . . Abstract: I recently returned from an international solidarity mission to Cambodia, where so many of the issues that progressive rights-based civil society origanisations campaign on slap you right in the face: Land grabs: […]

Interview with Ms. Cecile Guidote-Alvarez Director, UNESCO DREAM Center, Philippines

Javier Collado Ruano: Dear readers, today we have the opportunity to learn from a big activist and a distinguished theatre artists in drama, music, literacy, arts, dance, visual and martial arts. Her name is Cecile Guidote-Alvarez and she is the Director of the Philippine Center of International Theater Institute/Earthsavers UNESCO DREAM Center. I met her in […]

Tilting the Playing Field: The Modular Appeal of Competitive Authoritarianism

Charles Larratt-Smith Vice President of Latin American Affairs for the The Peace by Piece Initiative, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to dialogue on sensitive issues of local and global scope. PhD Student, University of Toronto, Department of Political Science  e-mail: c.larratt.smith@mail.utoronto.ca   web: www.thepeacebypieceinitiative.com . Abstract: In this article I examine the recent elections found in six competitive authoritarian, ‘semi-democratic’ countries: […]

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