Where in the world are the top cities for international schools?
By Elaine Stallard, CEO of Winter’s International School Finder The number of international schools is growing globally at an incredibly rapid rate with no signs of slowing down. Recent figures from the International School Consultancy (ISC) revealed that there are 8,000 English-medium international schools across the world, teaching a total of 4.26 million students. Local […]

@UNESCO names laureates for new prize for #girls and #women’s #education
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has announced the names of the two laureates for this first edition of the UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The two laureates are the Directorate of Early Childhood Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture from the Republic of Indonesia and the Female Students Network Trust from […]
Report: #China’s green transformation holds key to @COP21 success: but what will #India do?
China’s commitment to climate change and low-carbon development is a major reason why the UN climate summit in Paris is likely to succeed, a report concludes. But another finds that questions remain about India’s carbon heavy development plans. [1] The first report, by chinadialogue and the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, concludes that one of […]
Qingdao Declaration Promotes Use of ICT to achieve Education Targets in New Sustainable Development Goals
The Qingdao Declaration on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education was approved at the conclusion of the conference on ICT for the 2030 Education Agenda held in Qingdao, China. The Declaration outlines how technology can be used to achieve education targets for equity, access, quality and lifelong learning in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) […]
Água: dentro de cada um, à volta de todos
Clara Luisa Giugovaz Baleeiro Relações Internacionais na Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil claragiugovaz@gmail.com . . Resumo: As distintas crises hídricas pelo mundo refletem uma consciência pouco desenvolvida acerca do que é essencial para a vida. Cidadãos pouco conscientes; descasos governamentais; agronegócios que utilizam fertilizantes que contaminam solos e lençóis freáticos; indústrias com despejos irregulares de esgoto, […]

The Deterioration of Human Rights in Iran continues: Interview with Shabnam Assadollahi
Shabnam Assadollahi is a veteran human rights advocate who has worked extensively helping newcomers and refugees resettle in Canada. She has distinguished herself as a broadcaster, writer and public speaker. While her primary and heartfelt interest focuses on the Iranian community and events that affect both women and minority communities in the land of her birth […]

De nuevo, la seguridad y no la paz
De nuevo prevalece la seguridad -el inmenso negocio de la seguridad sobre la paz. De nuevo los buitres de la guerra vencedores. No había dinero para reducir las enormes brechas sociales, para ayudar al desarrollo endógeno y evitar así estas emigraciones desesperadas… y ahora, de pronto, hay mucho dinero para la guerra. Ya se intentó […]

GIORGIO ARMANI CONTINUES THE PARTNERSHIP WITH GREEN CROSS TO SUPPORT PROJECTS IN SRI LANKA, IVORY COAST AND SENEGAL FOR FIRST TIME Giorgio Armani is expanding its successful Acqua for Life campaign in partnership with Green Cross International for the fourth consecutive year, targeting water-scarce communities in West Africa, Latin America and, for the first time, […]

My Mom Is Part of a Long Line of Many Women With Big Hearts, Smiles and Endowed with Great Courage!
Sonia Colasse Author the children bilingual book: “The Adventures of Enzo” e-mail: soloinfinity.ws@gmail.com website: www.soloinfinty.com/enzo Français version When I look at her, she expresses a life filled with adventure, full of emotion, sometimes grief and misfortune, but I keep in my memory her bursts of laughter and her happiness. However, I also know that before arriving […]

Education and Suicide
Anna Barchetti Durisch Mentor, public speaker and education specialist e-mail: anna@helioslife.org web: helioslife.org . Abstract: Whether we fail in school or life exams, suicide is not an answer. What is the meaning of education?How to heal the pain within us, which one day might result in divisions and conflicts at large? Keywords: Education, suicide, […]