International Youth Day 2015 – Youth Civic Engagement
Ms. Akke M. Draijer-de Jong is initiator and co-founder of the Foundation Kebon Sepatu Indonesia-Netherlands. She leads a team of experts in the field of Educational Projects in Indonesia and is the liaison officer and spokesperson for the Team of Directors in the Netherlands. – . . Abstract: The International Youth Day 2015 […]
The Creative Communication
Dorina Marin Primary teacher at National College “Octav Bancila” Iasi Romania e-mail: web: . Abstract: The creative communication aims expression in an original manner and facilitates better understanding of the message. A creative community primarily means to think creatively. Whether it is in relationships with colleagues or in family contexts, the quality of communication with others depends […]
Medios abiertos de América Latina: Apuntes sobre la aplicación de los indicadores mediático-culturales.
Ruth De Frutos García. Investigadora FPU Departamento de Periodismo. Email: Resumen: La actual situación mundial imprime mayor celeridad, si cabe, a la evaluación de los sistemas mediáticos en el mundo. El proceso de globalización, la concentración de medios, las plataformas multimedia o la falta de libertad de expresión y de acceso de información en […]
Excuse Me, Can You Repeat That?
Cathryn Cushner Edelstein Scholar-In-Residence at Emerson College The rules of communication are not universal – they are specific to particular cultures. International students who attend school in the U.S. often prepare for years by learning English. Often they have learned English from a non-native speaker who teaches with the use of a textbook, scripted dialogues […]
African Centre for Community and Development in Cameroon
Arrey Mbongaya Ivo Founder and Director of African Centre for Community and Development. e-mail: web: Abstract: This article explores my key areas of work as the Director of African Centre for Community and Development which is involved in diverse humanitarian and development devices towards poverty alleviation, education, sustainability and the empowerment […]