Historic Paris Agreement on #ClimateChange #COP21

195 Nations Set Path to Keep Temperature Rise Well Below 2 Degrees Celsius An historic agreement to combat climate change and unleash actions and investment towards a low carbon, resilient and sustainable future was agreed by 195 nations in Paris today. The Paris Agreement for the first time brings all nations into a common cause […]

Report: #China’s green transformation holds key to @COP21 success: but what will #India do?

China’s commitment to climate change and low-carbon development is a major reason why the UN climate summit in Paris is likely to succeed, a report concludes. But another finds that questions remain about India’s carbon heavy development plans. [1] The first report, by chinadialogue and the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, concludes that one of […]

Global Agricultural Transition Under Way to Boost Resilience to Climate Change and Reduce Emissions

  Six Cooperative Initiatives Driving Climate Resilient, Productive and Low Emissions Agriculture Governments and food and agriculture organizations join today at the Lima-Paris Action Agenda Focus on Agriculture to respond to the urgent climate challenges facing agriculture with six cooperative initiatives that will protect the long-term livelihoods of millions of farmer and reduce greenhouse gas […]

#COP21 Lima-Paris Action Agenda Focus on #Forests

The LPAA Focus event on Forests will serve as a stepping stone for future ambitious climate action on forests. Building on the New York Declaration on Forests launched during the Climate Summit in September 2014, it will showcase transformational examples at national and subnational level to make forests and their protection a core element of […]

$248 USD million pledged to GEF climate fund for most vulnerable countries

New financing for Least Developed Countries Fund sends strong signal of commitment as Paris talks get underway Eleven donors have pledged close to $250 USD million in new money for adaptation support to the most vulnerable countries on the planet giving a welcome boost to the start of the climate talks here in Paris. Canada, […]

Paris #ClimateChange Conference opens with unprecedented call by governments and businesses to end fossil fuel subsidies

An unprecedented coalition of close to 40 governments, hundreds of businesses and influential international organisations has called today for accelerated action to phase out fossil fuel subsidies, a move that would help bridge the gap to keep global temperature rise below 2°C. On the opening day of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21), New […]

‘Whole System’ Approach Needed to Cut #Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Experts Say at Climate Meeting

Appropriate Management of Natural Resources at Centre of Solutions to Climate Change, Says International Resource Panel Decoupling economic growth from escalating resource use should be an integral part of climate policy, according to a group of the world’s most renowned natural resources scientists.  As nations gathered at COP21 in Paris for their first day of […]

Global Citizens Strong Support for Ambitious Paris Agreement

Launch of World Wide Views Global Citizen Consultation Results Report on Climate and Energy Strong Public Support for Political Leaders to Commit to Ambitious Climate Action Now The COP 21 Paris Agreement Needs to Open a Credible Path to Limit Global Warming to No More than 2 Degrees Celsius Citizens worldwide have given their leaders […]

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