“Africa’s Official Ministerial Summit” confirms an impressive attendance from #Africa to the 2016 Summit to be held in #Nairobi
“With still 11 weeks to go, Innovation Africa has so far confirmed 17 African ministers and their delegations for the summit” Confirmed John Glassey, Managing Director, AfricanBrains. The Innovation Africa Summit 2016; Africa’s leading annual Education and ICT forum is proud to announce that they have to date received confirmations from 17 dignitaries from Africa, […]

40% don’t access #education in a language they understand @GEMReport #MLD2016
A by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) reports that 40% of the global population does not access education in a language they understand. The policy paper, ‘If you don’t understand, how can you learn?’ released for International Mother Language Day (21 February), argues that being taught in a language other than their own […]