Interview with Aya Chebbi, African Youth Movement Founder

Javier Collado Ruano: Dear readers, it is a pleasure for me to introduce my friend Aya Chebbi, a well-known Pan-African Tunisian blogger and activist. I met her during the Global Citizens Movement of CIVICUS World Alliance, which took place in Johannesburg late in the year 2013, and I am still impressed with all her achievements. […]

A Brazilian View on Global Citizenship Education

Madza Ednir Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular, Brasil. (With gratitude towars Claudia Ceccon, whose critical comments much have contributed to enrich this article). / / @Madzed . Read here Portuguese version / Leia aqua a versão em português. Abstract: This article is an improved and expanded version of apresentation made at the Journée Educasol […]

Building a Global Citizens Movement: Towards a World Citizens Movement. The Johannesburg Compass: Questions and Orientations

  Resource: 1. Who are we?  As citizens, global and local, and participants of the ‘Building a Global Citizens Movement Johannesburg Conference 2013’, we acknowledge our responsibility for the planet and for humanity and we take responsibility for our individual and collective actions. Collectively, we acknowledge that to reach a just and sustainable world […]

Global Conference: Building a Global Citizens Movement

In order to encourage connectivity and collaboration between actors and citizens working for social justice, DEEEP will organize a yearly conference in collaboration with CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizens Participation and GCAP – Global Call to Action against Poverty. The overall aim of this conference is to initiate a global coalition for citizen’s empowerment for change, which will […]

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