The Ecological and Social Footprint: A Challenge for Global Citizenship

Javier Collado-Ruano in the dramatic karst mountain landscape of Yangshuo County, China’s Guangxi region. versión castellano          From the transdisciplinary perspective of the Big History, the Earth is a self-eco-organized system structured through sophisticated processes of co-evolution between living and non-living organisms. Life made its appearance on our planet between 3,8 and 3,5 […]

Interview with Ms @IrinaBokova, Director-General of @UNESCO

© GEM.Ms. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO became Honorary Membership at Global Education Magazine. Javier Collado Ruano: Today, 5th December 2015, being International Volunteer Day, we welcome our special guess, Ms. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO. I have had the opportunity to talk with her during the 2nd UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education held in February 2015 in […]

The #Earth Statement “In order to bring true #peace to the Earth”

Michiyo FURUHASHI Member of the Konohana Family, a Japanese spiritual community which applies the Universal Circulation Method based on the Katakamuna civilization that existed in East Asia about 13000 years ago. She is responsible for international communications and also serves as the president of “Green Grass”, a non-profit organization. E-mail: Konohana Family: Konohana […]

Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters

  Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) GLOBAL PLAYWRITING CONTEST 2015    Everyone is eligible to join the “Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters”.  Each entry must focus on the theme of climate change as described in these rules. We cannot solve the crisis of human survival unless we […]

Thinking the twenty-first century: Ideas for the new political economy (Book Review)

  Book Review from Sue L. T. McGregor PhD Professor Emerita (MSVU) McGregor Consulting Group    I was drawn to the title of this book – thinking the 21st century and smiled when I read that he was inspired by Tony Judt and Timothy Snyder’s (2013) book titled Thinking the Twentieth Century. Per […]

From Rio+20 to the New Development Agenda: An Interview with Felix Dodds

About Maria Bolevich Maria Bolevich is a specialist of environmental protection and a journalist. She likes books, languages, journalism, green lifestyle. She lives in Croatia. Her favorite quote is ” Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm” . Maria Bolevich: I have the honor to present you our interview with Felix Dodds, a fellow at […]

Human Consciousness & Values for Solving Global Problems

Dr. Surendra Pathak Director Research, Dean Social Sciences and Professor, CVMS, IASE Deemed University, Rajasthan, India. / / @pathak2009 . . Abstract: Mother earth is considered as one of the most beautiful planets in the Universe. Earth is the only planet in our galaxy that has enough water and environment to support plant, animal and […]


Learning from the Nature in the Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines. Versión castellana Solidarity is a trans-dimensional phenomenon that goes beyond the ontological essence of human nature. In fact, when we analyze the connections between the microcosm and the macrocosm, we perceive that human beingsare not involved in chaos and arbitrariness, but belongs to […]

Yasuni-Amazona: “The Rain Forest Project”

Welcome Future Global Professors and College Scholars of: Yasuni-Amazona, “The Rain Forest Project” YASUNI  Symbolizes Abundance of Life on Earth  Our Non-Profit Educational Project in collaboration with the NAPO WILDLIFE CENTER offers an ALL EXPENSE PAID COMPREHENSIVE AMAZON TRIP,  FULL ROOM & BOARD, ROUND TRIP AIRFARE, for Global Scholars interested in Studying a topic of their academic passion in the Yasuni, State Park in Ecuador […]

Children of the Earth   Mission Children of the Earth inspires and unites young people, through personal and social transformation, to create a peaceful and sustainable world. One Earth….with all her Children smiling! Slogan Inspires and unites young people for peace worldwide. Vision Our vision is that one by one, Children of the Earth will inspire young people […]

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