Shreeranya Renewable India Private Limited

Shreeranya Renewable India is a scientific and educational start-up dedicated to exploring and recognizing the importance of renewable energy resources amidst climate change to protect environment and habitats, and helping the guardians of the future to understand, adopt, protect and implement renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy solutions in the day-to-day life. Our dedicated team […]

International #Volunteer Day

    Salimatou Fatty Founder/CEO- Salimatou’s Foundation for Education Global Youth Ambassador- A world at school Assistance Programmer Officer-Teaching Award Trust Assistance Summer Camp Coordinator- Education For African Future  . . . . I am Salimatou Fatty, a proudly Gambian volunteer for young people. I am very enthusiastic about issues concerning the girl-child, youths, children and […]

Educar para a #cidadaniaglobal, a partir do espaço local: Provocando transformações individuais, comunitárias e globais

Madza Ednir CECIP- Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular. / / @Madzed . . Resumo: A partir de suas aprendizagens como participante do II Fórum sobre Educação para a Cidadania Global, realizado pela Unesco em Paris , logo após os atentados de janeiro de 2015, a autora mostra que melhor antídoto à violência e ao medo- que […]

Sustainable Development Goals

One of the main outcomes of the Rio+20 Conference was the agreement by member States to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals and converge with the post 2015 development agenda (click here for information on different work streams). It was decided […]

The Generation Forum

Introduction Unlike the olden days where students flock to the library to study and gain information, now it is just right at their fingertips. Based on ‘The Future of Education’ survey by Millennial Branding and, the study revealed that 50% of students don’t need a physical classroom and 39% of them view the future […]

Sustainable Development Goals for 2030: The Land Beyond Borders for our Planetary Youth

Interconnecting dreams in the land beyond borders. Photo in Vitsa, Greece. Spanish version Around the world, young people of both sexes look to the future, and question current socio-economic models that are based on the irrational exploitation of natural resources. While it is true that capitalist systems have brought enormous material benefits, their functionalist view subordinates […]

Letters from the Future for the Generation of 2015: Water and Sustainable Development

 Learning the secrets of water. Diving in Nusa Lembongan (Indonesia)… with MANTAS!! Versión castellano Today, March 22 of the year 2093, we the people of the Earth Confederation celebrate the first century of World Water Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 22, 1992. We believe we have discovered the way to […]

Global Education Will Generate Global Growth

The globalization of business creates both challenges and opportunities. John Danilovich, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce, describes how globally-standardized professional education could be the key to success   The business world is globalizing. For evidence, look no further than the growth in south-south trade (i.e. trade between emerging markets). It’s a trend […]

The UN World Water Development Report 2015, Water for a Sustainable World

The 2015 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR 2015), titled Water for a Sustainable World, will be launched at the official celebration of the World Water Day. The WWDR 2015 demonstrates how water resources and services are essential to achieving global sustainability. Taking account of economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability, […]

Water and Sustainable Development: One Voice From Zaragoza The UN-Water Annual International Zaragoza Conference was held in January and kicked off the year that will shine a spotlight on water and sustainable development.    “2015 is an important year. An important year for disaster risk reduction, an important year for climate and an important year for water,” said the UN-Water Chair, Michel Jarraud […]

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