PJ Marshall Founder and Executive Director, Restore the Earth Foundation . ABSTRACT: Restore the Earth Foundation, Inc. (REF) is a social investment partner for corporations that value the Earth’s natural resources. Founded in 2010, we are a global nongovernmental organization that deploys landscape-scale ecosystem restoration projects and measures and reports the impact. Our exclusive […]

Global Response to Climate Change Keeps Door Open to 2º C Temperature Limit #COP21
New UN Report Synthesizes National Climate Plans from 146 Countries An unprecedented world-wide effort is underway to combat climate change, building confidence that nations can cost effectively meet their stated objective of keeping a global temperature rise to under 2 degree C. A report released today by the UNFCCC secretariat, assessing the collective impact of over […]

The UN World Water Development Report 2015, Water for a Sustainable World
The 2015 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR 2015), titled Water for a Sustainable World, will be launched at the official celebration of the World Water Day. The WWDR 2015 demonstrates how water resources and services are essential to achieving global sustainability. Taking account of economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability, […]

Cause & Affect Cause & Affect infuses funds DIRECTLY to those in need; by traveling to distressed regions and forming local partnerships, we search for the most effective means of distributing funds in order to assist individual families, schools, clinics and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that address the educational, health and environmental needs of underprivileged people on […]

Interview with Marta Benavides: “Human Rights and 23rd Century Movement”
Javier Collado Ruano: Today, 10thDecember 2013, we celebrate the 65º anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason, we have a special person with us to commemorate it. Allow me to introduce Ms. Marta Benavides, a good friend from El Salvador and an international activist working on culture of peace, sustainability, inclusiveness, […]
Statement by FW de Klerk on the Death of Nelson Mandela
FW de Klerk, as Honorary Member at Education for Life NGO Resource: FW de Klerk Foundation It was with the greatest sadness that I have learned of the death of Nelson Mandela. My wife Elita and I would like to convey our deepest condolences to his wife, Graça Machel, the Mandela family and their friends, to […]

Online Model United Nations: Promoting Global Citizenship and Inclusiveness in MUN
Lisa Martin THIMUN Online Model United Nations E-mail: . Online Model United Nations (O-MUN) was born out of the passion and love I have for the MUN academic simulation and the deep skill set it helps to instill in students. In moving this program online, O-MUN was able tap into two powerful educational currents: […]

Global Education Magazine: World Environmental Day
Download here “How can we be so arrogant? The planet is, was, and always will be stronger than us. We can´t destroy it; if we overstep the mark, the planet will simply erase us from its surface and carry on existing. Why don´t they start talking about not letting the planet destroy us?” Paulo Coelho […]

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) The International Institute for Sustainable Development is a Canadian-based, international public policy research institute for sustainable development. Since it was first articulated in the Brundtland Commission’s Our Common Future in 1987, sustainable development has never been superseded by a more compelling or universally-acceptable expression of humanity’s shared goals. At its simplest level, any form of […]
Regional Youth Green Growth Forum (OAYouth-Kenya)
From 2nd-5th December 2013, young people will gather in the UN Complex Gigiri, Nairobi, for the Regional Youth Green Growth Forum 2013. Convened by the Organization of African Youth, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and partners, the main objective of the forum is to provide a platform for young people to learn, share and identify […]