Issues Without Borders @issuesWborders

General Description of Issues Without Borders Issues Without Borders is a youth organisation that focuses on human rights and encourages and empowers individuals to take action. As an advocate of human rights and legal equality for all, the mission of IWB is to offer an online platform that empowers its users to take on personal […]

European Refugee Crisis – Embracing the Spirit of Volunteering

  Athanasia Zagorianou Master of laws (LLM) in Human Rights Law, University of Strathclyde. Citizens Rights Watch (CRW) Researcher & Trustees’ Council Member & Researcher for the “IWB Refugee Project” .  Keith Peter Kiely PhD in Politics, Queens University Belfast. Issues Without Borders (IWB). Researcher/Peer Reviewer/ Grants Team.  . Papuc Patricia Casandra President […]

Compromiso cívico de la juventud y centros de información juvenil

  Gabriel Navarro Carretero es Licenciado en Psicología y Máster en Psicología de la Intervención Social. Jefe del Centro Informajoven del Servicio de Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Murcia. Desarrolla su actividad en los Servicios públicos de Juventud desde 1982, ha sido miembro del Grupo de Trabajo de Juventud de la Federación Española de Municipios y […]

The Regional Ministerial Conference on Education Post-2015

The Regional Ministerial Conference on Education Post-2015 is taking place this week from the 19th -20th of February at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Representatives from Ministries of Education from Europe and North-America, together with international organisations, European institutions and civil society organisations, are gathering to further discuss the education agenda in the future Sustainable Development Goals […]

Involving Youth in the Sustainable Development Goals: the ECOSOC Youth Forum

  From the 2nd to the 3rd of February, the ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) Youth Forum brought together UN Member States, UN agencies, youth delegates, representatives of youth organisations and other young people in the UN Headquarters in New York City. The sessions focused on youth engagement in the transition from MDGs (Millennium Development Goals) to SDGs […]

Counter-Terrorism Legislation and Fundamental Rights

Vanja Grujic PhD Student on Faculty of Law, University of Brasília, Brazil e-mail: . Abstract: In this article author addresses national security documents of United States (US) and European Union (EU) and later measures their impact on constitutional and fundamental rights. That is why the paper starts with demonstrations of definitions about terrorism that can […]

Like a Rollercoaster. Detention Centres for Foreigners in Poland

Gawel Walczak Project Coordinator at Polish Migration Forum Foundation  . Abstract: In October 2012 a group of foreigners located in detention centres in Poland started a hunger strike. Many of them were asylum seekers who awaited decisions regarding their status behind the bars and barbed wire. They demanded better conditions of staying in those places. […]

‘Post-2015 Development Agenda’: Invest in Refugee Education to Expand Human Capacity

David Dickson Executive Director-Kenya at International Council for Education . An analysis of the Programme of Action of the 1994 United Nations International Conference on Population and Development and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) leads one to conclude that it is difficult to assess the […]

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