
Intellisense Co. Ltd is a multiple award winning technological company based in Budapest, Hungary. Since its inception in 2010 Intellisense has been working together with the most renowned Universities and Teachers from across Hungary, developing unique and creative STEM applications for primary and secondary education. Working together with 24 well educated and experienced professionals, Intellisense […]

Education for All 2000-2015: Only a Third of Countries Reached Global Education Goals

 Just one third of countries have achieved all of the measurable Education for All (EFA) goals set in 2000. Only half of all countries have achieved the most watched goal of universal primary enrolment. An extra $22 billion a year is needed on top of already ambitious government contributions in order to ensure we achieve […]

A Volunteer Experience in Ghana

Alex Medlicott International Volunteer Website: . Abstract: I arrived in Ghana unsure of what to expect. I had done little research on the country and was completely unaware of the culture that I was about to become immersed in. I had arranged to volunteer with a local non-profit organisation, but I had absolutely […]

Abu Dhabi’s Education Council Continues to Find New Applications for GIS

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates, a federation founded in 1971 from seven ancient Arabian Peninsula sheikhdoms. Due to the wealth derived from its extensive hydrocarbon deposits, Abu Dhabi has developed a modern, forward-thinking state that embraces its past while preparing for the future. One of its long-term initiatives is the […]

Former Students Are Inspiring and Empowering Current Students to Work Harder at School in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya 5 March 2015 – A new report launched today by Future First Global shows the transformative impact alumni are having in the employment potential for secondary school students Nairobi, The report ‘An Alumni Community for Every School: Learning from Kenya pilot programmes’ examines a two year pilot programme across fifteen schools in Nairobi. […]

Democracy, Sustainability and the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Ashish Kothari Founder-member, Kalpavriksh e-mail: / Abstract: In the context of the ongoing review of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and their possible replacement by a new framework in 2015, it is important to highlight the issues of democracy, ecologically sustainability and socio-economic equity as being central to such a framework. This article puts forth ideas […]

Global Conference: Building a Global Citizens Movement

In order to encourage connectivity and collaboration between actors and citizens working for social justice, DEEEP will organize a yearly conference in collaboration with CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizens Participation and GCAP – Global Call to Action against Poverty. The overall aim of this conference is to initiate a global coalition for citizen’s empowerment for change, which will […]

Promoting Youth Values Through Art

Dorina Marin Primary teacher at National College “Octav Bancila” Iasi Romania e-mail: web: . Abstract: The modern age is characterized by fast development of science and technology requires a new orientation in human form, able to adapt easily and quickly to changes frequently faced. Time has shown that often a huge talent was wasted because […]

Raising Awareness of Global Education Amongst Young People

   Okafor Akachukwu International Development Consultant at Nonprofit Organization Management in Nigeria. web: Abstract: Global education is a transformative learning process that is very essential in creating and promoting mutual understanding across racial, cultural, religious, political and geographical divides. Young people as agents of change have a lot of responsibility in fostering global […]

The Life Vest Inside™ Kindness Curriculum: Understanding, Refining, Implementing and Growing in Kindness from Kindergarten through Fifth Grade

 Lydia Criss Mays  Ph.D. Georgia State University Department of Early Childhood Education e-mail: web: Abstract: In response to growing demands to provide more real-life experiences for children during the school day that are based on improving critical thinking and increasing awareness and use of lifeskills, Life Vest Inside™ (hereafter referred to as LVI) has […]

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