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A Reflection on War and Peace for International Peace Day
. Prof. Dr. Greg Simons Institutional Filiation: Uppsala University, Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies e-mail: greg.simons@ucrs.uu.se . This is intended as a reflection on peace, its cultivation and its greater significance. International Peace Day, which is celebrated on the 21st of September each year, is a highly symbolic and value rich event. In […]
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Laura Sampietro Universidad Externado, Colombia, Specialization in International Cooperation laura.sampietro1@gmail.com . Sommario: I paesi europei non sembrano essere in grado di gestire il grande flusso di migranti provenienti dall’Africa. Nel caso analizzato, lo stato italiano sembra non disporre degli strumenti idonei per la tutela dei diritti dei rifugiati e in generale nessun governo ha preso […]
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The Peace Process Will Not be Tweeted
Monica Curca email: monicabcurca@gmail.com / peaceforsale@gmail.com website: http://peaceforsale.org/ Abstract: Of late new media and digital technologies have been instrumental in bringing about social change throughout the world. This article asks if it is possible for new media and digital technologies to also bring peace? Media and communications have a long history in being used as an instrument for […]