Democracy in the Children’s Parliament, listen to their voices!

La version française ici Sonia Colasse Children Bilingual Manager and author the children bilingual book: “The Adventures of Enzo” e-mail: / website: .  We are at the beginning of the school year when the children go one after the other to their classroom. The light dazzles on the blackboard, it is warm it heats the desks. Each […]

La démocratie au Parlement des enfants, écoutons leur voix!

English version here Sonia Colasse Children Bilingual Manager and author the children bilingual book: “The Adventures of Enzo” e-mail: / website: . Nous sommes en début d’année scolaire, les enfants rentrent les uns après les autres dans leur salle de classe. La lumière éblouie le tableau noir, sa chaleur réchauffe les tables de bureau, chaque enfant prend […]

Refugiados: el retorno soñado

Ruth Marjalizo Refugees Section Manager   English version World Refugee Day: The Hidden Truth of Refugees from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo. Refugiado es un término cada vez más usado en el lenguaje cotidiano. La guerra civil de Siria es una de las grandes causas actuales, pero esta definición no es nueva, ya que […]

Refugees: the Dreamed Return

Ruth Marjalizo Refugees Section Manager Spanish Version World Refugee Day: The Hidden Truth of Refugees from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo. Refugee is a term increasingly used in everyday language. The civil war in Syria is a major current example, but that definition is not new, as refugees have existed throughout the last century. […]

Interview with “Mama” Hawa Aden Mohamed, 2012 Nansen Refugee Award

Resource: 2012 UNHCR/F.Juez Javier Collado Ruano: Dear readers, it is a big pleasure present Ms. “Mama” Hawa Aden Mohamed: a Somali humanitarian, educator and women´s rights advocate which won the 2012 Nansen Refugee Award. Ms. “Mama” Hawa is a big activist which solidarity showed us many valuable lessons in peacebuilding activism. السلام عليكم(Salaam Aleikum) Ms. “Mama” Hawa, thank you very much for accepting our invitation in […]

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