International #Volunteer Day
Salimatou Fatty Founder/CEO- Salimatou’s Foundation for Education Global Youth Ambassador- A world at school Assistance Programmer Officer-Teaching Award Trust Assistance Summer Camp Coordinator- Education For African Future salimatoufatty@gmail.com . . . . I am Salimatou Fatty, a proudly Gambian volunteer for young people. I am very enthusiastic about issues concerning the girl-child, youths, children and […]
Broadcaster and human rights campaigner Mariella Frostrup is bringing hope to schoolgirls in Africa this Christmas. Mariella Frostrup is putting her face to a Christmas Appeal that could help thousands of Maasai and other young pastoralist girls in Tanzania have the same access to education as boys. “Gender equality is a subject close to my […]

De nuevo, la seguridad y no la paz
De nuevo prevalece la seguridad -el inmenso negocio de la seguridad sobre la paz. De nuevo los buitres de la guerra vencedores. No había dinero para reducir las enormes brechas sociales, para ayudar al desarrollo endógeno y evitar así estas emigraciones desesperadas… y ahora, de pronto, hay mucho dinero para la guerra. Ya se intentó […]
And the Walls Come Folding Down: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Building Awareness, Balance, and Connection in Ourselves, Our Schools, in Our Communities, and in Our World
Karen Melaas Curriculum/Teacher Leadership Development in Oxford, Michigan, USA kwmelaas@comcast.net / http://kwmelaas.wix.com/plant-karma . Abstract: The twenty-first century offers educators an extraordinary opportunity to employ constructivist teaching and learning. The current era allows us, perhaps more than ever before, to honor the core individuality of every learner. There is one idea within constructivism that some have come to […]

Interview with Marta Benavides: “Human Rights and 23rd Century Movement”
Javier Collado Ruano: Today, 10thDecember 2013, we celebrate the 65º anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason, we have a special person with us to commemorate it. Allow me to introduce Ms. Marta Benavides, a good friend from El Salvador and an international activist working on culture of peace, sustainability, inclusiveness, […]
Emerging Human Rights
Over the past decades, massive changes have taken place in the world. Without going any further, 65 years have passed since The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Member States of the United Nations have realized the necessity of a binding document (considering that UDHR is no legally binding) […]
Statement by FW de Klerk on the Death of Nelson Mandela
FW de Klerk, as Honorary Member at Education for Life NGO Resource: FW de Klerk Foundation It was with the greatest sadness that I have learned of the death of Nelson Mandela. My wife Elita and I would like to convey our deepest condolences to his wife, Graça Machel, the Mandela family and their friends, to […]

Día Escolar de la No Violencia y la Paz. Entrevista al Sr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza
Día Escolar de No-violencia y Paz: Entrevista al Sr. Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Ex-Director General UNESCO from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo. Javier Collado Ruano: Buenas tardes, estamos con un invitado especial: Don Federico Mayor Zaragoza. Federico Mayor Zaragoza: Buenas tardes. JCR: Gracias por recibirnos. FMZ: Gracias por esta entrevista en un día tan […]