Celebrating Woman!

Rita Eluwade Author of the book “Trafficked Women- a Problem of Vulnerability without Rehabilitation” E-mail: rita.wealthygeneration@gmail.com . In celebrating Women’s day, there is a need to place more emphasis on the female gender. The female sex is one of the two sexes made from the time of creation. The exemption of the female gender in most […]

What is global education about?

 Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti,   Professor of Global Education  vanessa.andreotti@oulu.fi The letter below written by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, professor of global education at the University of Oulu, exemplifies the urgency for education to enlarge possibilities for thinking and relating to each other in complex, uncertain, plural and deeply unequal societies. Dear Mr. Obama, 44th President […]

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