World Education Forum 2015

World Education Forum 2015 19-22 May 2015, Incheon, Republic of Korea Equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning for all by 2030 Transforming lives through education Resource: The World Education Forum 2015 will provide a unique platform for global leaders in education, ministers, policy-makers and representatives of civil society, teachers, experts and the private […]

Statement of the UNESCO Director-General After the Attack Against a School in Pakistan

Statement of the UNESCO Director-General After the Attack Against a School in Pakistan 16 December 2014 . . . . . Official photo, Director-General, Irina Bokova   Paris, 16 December – UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova expressed her outrage and distress following the attack on a school in Peshawar, Pakistan, that has cost the lives of some 100 […]

Right to Informational Self-Determination of The State and The International Human Right to Education

Mariann Rikka European Inter-University Center, E.MA e-mail: . Abstract: The article aims at discussing the relationship between the sovereignty of the state and an international human right to education with a focus on informational self-determination, including collective identity building and history education. In the first part the content of the international human right to education […]

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