Face to Face: Global Understanding Through Personal and Virtual Contact

Judith Beth Cohen Professor, School of Education, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. Jcohen@lesley.edu . Abstract: Based on travel-study experiences in Ghana, Peru, South Africa and other sites, Cohen discusses the positive effects of short-term travel study immersion for students and faculty. Citing research studies that explore global attitudes of participants after such travel, Cohen makes a […]

Becas de Rotary Pro Paz Mundial 2013

BECAS DE ROTARY PRO PAZ MUNDIAL 2013 Requisitos generales para participar en el programa: Los solicitantes de Becas de Rotary pro Paz Mundial deberán acreditar: – Su consagración a la causa de la paz a través de sus logros académicos y profesionales o actividades de servicio personal y a la comunidad. – Licenciatura universitaria en humanidades […]

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