“Solidaridad sin fronteras para los derechos humanos de los refugiados” Entrevista a Osvaldo Laport, Embajador de buena voluntad de ACNUR
Ruth Marjalizo: Señor Laport, en primer lugar, gracias por darnos la oportunidad de compartir algo de su tiempo en un día tan importante como hoy: el Día de los Derechos Humanos. En segundo lugar, gracias por querer compartir con nuestros lectores y lectoras sus experiencias y conocimientos, teniendo en cuenta que una persona como usted […]

World Refugee Day: the Hidden Truth of Refugees
World Refugee Day: The Hidden Truth of Refugees from Global Education Magazine on Vimeo. Balata Camp is the largest refugee camp in the West Bank The area is 0.25 km2. The population registered by the UNRWA are 26,500 but the real number in the camp are 28,000. The unemployment rate in Balata camp is […]

Global Education Magazine: School Day of Non-violence and Peace (January 30th 2013)
Download the magazine here On January 30th, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was murdered, and since 1964 the Day of Non-violence and Peace has been celebrated at schools from all over the world. This edition has the socio-psycho-pedagogic goal to promote the multidimensional resolution of all disputes. Welcome to Global Education Magazine! This is a consciousness raiser […]

A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Interview with Richard Forer.
Global Education Magazine logo meaning from Global Education Magazine Richard Forer in More Over AIPAC Conference Ruth Marjalizo: You were a stalwart follower of Israel during your whole life, but nowadays you are not anymore – or not as much as before. Can you explain to us what made you change your mind? Richard Forer: […]

A Race to the Future
Woroud Sawalha at the 2012 Olympic Games in London Ruth Marjalizo: Hello everybody from Nablus, West Bank. Today, I am going to interview Woroud Sawalha. As you might know, she was the first female representing Palestine in the London Olympic Games 2012. Assalamu ‘alaikum Woroud, thank you so much for being with us while you are busy with your exams. […]