Por la primera vez una red colombiana de defensa de los derechos de las mujeres recibe la más alta distinción sobre refugiados en el mundo
El ganador de la edición de 2014 del Premio Nansen para los Refugiados de ACNUR – Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados – es el grupo colombiano de defensa de los derechos de las mujeres “Red Mariposas de Alas Nuevas Construyendo Futuro”, cuyos miembros arriesgan sus vidas para ayudar a las supervivientes del […]
Sexual Violence in Mogadishu: ‘Ending Impunity is Far from Reality on the Ground’
Ifrah Ahmed Communication Advisor, Minister of Women and Human Rights, Somali Federal Government. Human rights defender working to fight Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) the practice, worked before in Ireland and currently in Somalia. Ifrah, also works as a social workers with various NGOs and hopes to make a difference for women and girls of Somalia. […]
Why is the Destruction of Women, as Women, a Reality, But Absent in International law?
Kali Goldstone Human Rights/Refugee Lawyer e-mail: omkali78@gmail.com . Abstract: Gender persecution is “aggression against and exploitation of women, because [they] are women, systemically and systematically.” Even though women can be abused similarly to the ways in which men are abused, women are also violated in specific ways in which men are not. Women are routinely violated every […]