Aid to #education falls for the sixth consecutive year
The amount of aid allocated to education has been falling for six years in a row, shows a new policy paper, Aid to Education is Stagnating and Not Going to Countries Most in Need, published by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report. Total aid to education stands at US$ 12 billion – 4% lower than […]

Statement on the Observance of #WorldOceanDay
By: Heherson T. Alvarez former Senator who served as Environment and Climate Change Secretary World Ocean Day is observed on June 8 with the theme “Our Oceans, Our Future” geared inform, mobilize, unite the world’s population for the sustainable management of the world’s ocean, considered the lungs of our planet. The Ocean Conference […]
Shreeranya Renewable India Private Limited
Shreeranya Renewable India is a scientific and educational start-up dedicated to exploring and recognizing the importance of renewable energy resources amidst climate change to protect environment and habitats, and helping the guardians of the future to understand, adopt, protect and implement renewable energy technologies and sustainable energy solutions in the day-to-day life. Our dedicated team […]
Senator Heherson T. Alvarez during a tribute to Ninoy Aquino, August 2014. The Pride of the North, former Senator Heherson T. Alvarez, will add another feather to his cap when he will be honored with the Punong Bayani ng Kalikasan, a national leadership award, this Wednesday, April 13, 2016. The People Management Association of the Philippines […]

World Biomimetics Foundation organizes the 1st World Biomimetic Challenges & Awards
World Biomimetics Foundation organizes the 1st World Biomimetic Challenges & Awards, an event that introduces the Biomimetic as a Cosmo vision on XXI century. The event will get to know the Biomimetic or Bioinspiration as a paradigm of conscience and progress. The next 22th June 2016 inMontjuïc venue of Fira deBarcelona, the World Biomimetics Foundation […]
Educar para a #cidadaniaglobal, a partir do espaço local: Provocando transformações individuais, comunitárias e globais
Madza Ednir CECIP- Centro de Criação de Imagem Popular. madza.ednir@terra.com.br / http://www.cecip.org.br / @Madzed . . Resumo: A partir de suas aprendizagens como participante do II Fórum sobre Educação para a Cidadania Global, realizado pela Unesco em Paris , logo após os atentados de janeiro de 2015, a autora mostra que melhor antídoto à violência e ao medo- que […]
The #Earth Statement “In order to bring true #peace to the Earth”
Michiyo FURUHASHI Member of the Konohana Family, a Japanese spiritual community which applies the Universal Circulation Method based on the Katakamuna civilization that existed in East Asia about 13000 years ago. She is responsible for international communications and also serves as the president of “Green Grass”, a non-profit organization. E-mail: michiyo@konohana-family.org Konohana Family: http://www.konohana-family.org/for-non-japanese-speakers/ Konohana […]

Sustainable Development Goals
One of the main outcomes of the Rio+20 Conference was the agreement by member States to launch a process to develop a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will build upon the Millennium Development Goals and converge with the post 2015 development agenda (click here for information on different work streams). It was decided […]
Using Nature’s Design Principles to Feed Nine Billion: Finalists announced for the world’s first food system-focused biomimicry innovation accelerator
Using Nature’s Design Principles to Feed Nine Billion Finalists announced for the world’s first food system-focused biomimicry innovation accelerator Earlier this year, hundreds of people from around the world took on a challenge to fix our global food system by looking to nature for design solutions. Now, eight finalist teams have been invited to prototype […]

Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters
Philippine Center of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) GLOBAL PLAYWRITING CONTEST 2015 Everyone is eligible to join the “Global Playwriting Contest 2015 on Confronting Climate Change and Defying Disasters”. Each entry must focus on the theme of climate change as described in these rules. We cannot solve the crisis of human survival unless we […]