Reflections for the 21st Century: On How to Discern on the Importance of International Women’s Day

 By Marta Benavides, GCAP Global Co Chair, and the Feminist Task Force/FTF, SIGLO XXIII Movement for Culture of Peace, El Salvador . The International day of Women was created in recognition and to celebrate the Rights of women workers, in order to promote their participation in the struggle for equity and equality, which presently is one […]

Development Perspectives Development Perspectives is a development NGO that explores, examines and acts upon a range of issues and challenges that face our world. It is essentially a development education organisation that aims to involve people in the local and global development process. A few observations about the world around us from our perspective – •  The […]

Regional Youth Green Growth Forum (OAYouth-Kenya)

From 2nd-5th December 2013, young people will gather in the UN Complex Gigiri, Nairobi, for the Regional Youth Green Growth Forum 2013. Convened by the Organization of African Youth, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources and partners, the main objective of the forum is to provide a platform for young people to learn, share and identify […]

Global Water Partnership The Global Water Partnership’s vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. GWP was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to foster integrated water resource management (IWRM). IWRM is […]

Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC)     Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) is a non-profit membership organization which represents Russian community of foreign policy experts. Our mission is to facilitate the prospering of Russia through its integration in the global world. RIAC is a link between the state, expert community, business and civil society in an effort to […]

Global Forum & Bangladesh: The Situation and Obligations of Bangladesh Migrants

 Sheikh Nasir Ahmed Graduat, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh e-mail: Abstract: With an area of 147,570 square km, Bangladesh is overpopulated with 140 million people. Less than half of its population is said to live below poverty level. A high rate of unemployment and the demand for foreign exchange has led to government policies to promote […]

Educación para el Desarrollo y Animación Sociocultural: un enfoque desde la participación comunitaria

 Itahisa Pérez-Pérez  Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales  e-mail:  / twitter: @Itahisa_perez Disponible para personas ciegas   [soundcloud url=”″] Resumen: La sociedad evoluciona de manera vertiginosa, produciéndose cambios de forma tan rápida que la educación no puede dar respuesta a los mismos. Por ello, y para responder a estas nuevas demandas […]

El Ecoturismo como herramienta para mejorar la Educación Ambiental: el caso de la República Dominicana

Francisco Orgaz Agüera Docente e Investigador en Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago, UTESA (República Dominicana). Doctorando en Turismo en Universidad de Sevilla (España) e-mail:   . Resumen: El ecoturismo es una actividad que se realiza en contacto con la naturaleza. En este artículo hablamos sobre la importancia del ecoturismo como herramienta para mejorar la educación ambiental […]

Creating an Everyone a Changemaker World

We are living at an incredible moment in history, where all of the existing sectors of society are redefining themselves. It started with the private sector. Businesses let loose the radical idea: if you have a new idea and you make it work, we’ll make you rich and respected. Then we will copy you. This revolutionary […]

South Africa is one of the most unequal societies in the world

This is despite the fact that the achievement of equality is one of the core founding values of our Constitution. Our failure to achieve greater income equality is reflected in the fact that our Gini index has deteriorated from 66 in 1996, to 70 in 2008. Inequality has also increased within all our population groups […]

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