40% don’t access #education in a language they understand @GEMReport #MLD2016

A by UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report (GEM Report) reports that 40% of the global population does not access education in a language they understand. The policy paper, ‘If you don’t understand, how can you learn?’ released for International Mother Language Day (21 February), argues that being taught in a language other than their own […]


According to latest research conducted by Docebo, Middle East e-learning market to grow 8.2% yearly until 2016. Global and regional education suppliers are raising their stakes in the Middle East as the region’s e-learning market sees revenues rising to $560.7 million by 2016 amid a very competitive growing size of the self-paced e-learning market. Oman […]

Capitalism, Desperation and Urgency: How Do Working Class Youth Cope With the Capitalist Present?

 Deniz Yonucu is currently a visiting scholar at London School of Economics and Political Science. She received her PhD Degree from the Department of Anthropology at Cornell in May 2014. Funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Middle East Research Competition of the Ford Foundation, her dissertation, titled, Operations Of Law And Sovereignty From Below: Youth, […]

Other Place on the Globe. Education of Children in Montenegro

  An exclusive Interview with Jasmina Kalezic a Montenegrin Teacher and Children Rights Activist, by: Kaveh Taheri Introduction: – Unlike other countries of the Balkan Peninsula, Montenegro was able to maintain its independence from the Ottoman Empire. From the 16th to 19th centuries, Montenegro became a theocratic state ruled by a series of bishop princes; […]

Open Letter to Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s President

  In the lead-up to the World Cup and following a trip to Brazil in March, I wrote to President Dilma Rousseff, asking her to welcome and embrace the protests in Brazil as an opportunity to build a more just, diverse and free society.  While in Brazil I met with representatives from Amnesty International, Article […]

Tilting the Playing Field: The Modular Appeal of Competitive Authoritarianism

Charles Larratt-Smith Vice President of Latin American Affairs for the The Peace by Piece Initiative, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to dialogue on sensitive issues of local and global scope. PhD Student, University of Toronto, Department of Political Science  e-mail: c.larratt.smith@mail.utoronto.ca   web: www.thepeacebypieceinitiative.com . Abstract: In this article I examine the recent elections found in six competitive authoritarian, ‘semi-democratic’ countries: […]

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