A Critical Interview with Henry Giroux

Henry Giroux   JMBT: You´re considered as the father of a critical pedagogy. What is critical pedagogy for you?  HG: Actually, I am not the father of critical pedagogy. While I may have played a prominent role in its development, critical pedagogy emerged out of long series of educational struggles that extend from the work of Paulo […]

Towards a 21st Century Heavenly Paradise on Earth

  Melcir Erskine-Richmond Founder-CEO-Visionary Catalyst – First the Earth LandSea International Eco-Holistic-Living City Models Network first-the-earth@hotmail.com Having worked first in the publishing sphere in Australia, and then for a UK shipping publisher, and having also written a lengthy Annual Report for United Nations FAO sub-group, the UK Freedom From Hunger Campaign, while in England, I […]

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