Environmental Governance and Sustainable Development: An Interview with Georgios Kostakos
About Fen Wang Founder and President at GEC; UNEP Reform Project Leader at Tema at Linkoping University; SCO Project Leader at Vermont University; My mission is to contribute myself in global environmental and sustainable development governance and act to accelerate transitioning the society to green economy with sustainable development, and to join together with world […]
Interview with Dr. Katherine Müller-Marin, Representative of UNESCO to VietNam
Javier Collado Ruano (JCR): Dr. Katherine Müller-Marin is a native of Costa Rica who began her career as the Curriculum Planning Director at the Distance Teaching University of Costa Rica. She went on to serve at the Costa Rican Ministry of Planning and Economic Policy in Institutional Strengthening and Reengineering. She holds a Master’s degree […]
Global Water Partnership
www.gwp.org The Global Water Partnership’s vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels. GWP was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) to foster integrated water resource management (IWRM). IWRM is […]
No country of white men
. Marie Mainil Director of the Student Peace Alliance at The Peace Alliance marie@thepeacealliance.org . Banner in the entrance of Obama 2012 HQ – Remember that scene in the movie Money Ball when cigar smoking, fairly aged white men made decisions out of smoke around the power table? That’s how elections used to be […]
Launch of Post-2015 Thematic Consultation on Environmental Sustainability
Launch of Post-2015 Thematic Consultation on Environmental Sustainability UNDP and UNEP are pleased to announce the launch of the post-2015 global consultation on environmental sustainability. This is one of a series of national and global (thematic) consultations convened by the United Nations Development Group to help shape the post-2015 development agenda. This is an […]