International #Volunteer Day 2015 – A Universal Introspective Approach

Ms. Akke M. Draijer-de Jong is initiator and co-founder of the Foundation Kebon Sepatu Indonesia-Netherlands. She leads a team of experts in the field of Educational Projects in Indonesia and is the liaison officer and spokesperson for the Team of Directors in th  e Netherlands. – . Abstract The concept thought was officially established by the […]

#UN Secretary-General’s Initiative Aims to Strengthen #Climate Resilience of the World’s Most Vulnerable Countries and People

Focus on early warning-early action systems, insurance, and increasing investment in bid to accelerate climate resilience efforts A new initiative to build climate resilience in the world’s most vulnerable countries was launched today by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and 13 members within the UN system at COP21, the Paris Climate Conference.  The new initiative will […]

World Education Forum 2015 adopts Declaration on the Future of Global Education until 2030

 Download FINAL Declaration  2014 Peace Nobel Award Kailash Satyarthi during his speech on May 19 In April 2000, the participants of the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, adopted the Dakar Framework for Action “Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitment“. They reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) adopted ten years earlier (Jomtien, […]

EL FUTURO EMBOTELLADO: Agua y Seguridad para el Tercer Mundo

Olenka Ochoa Berreteaga Activista peruana, miembro de la Huairou Comisión, Red Ciudades Seguras y MIRA-Iberoamérica. . . Resumen El derecho al agua, entendido como acceso a agua potable y segura a las fuentes de agua natural, está en grave peligro por intereses de las multinacionales y por un ideario que se expande globalmente. La […]


Adolescents Twice as Likely to Be Out of School as Children of Primary School Age, Say UNESCO and UNICEF New report shows why ‘business as usual’ won’t lead to universal primary or secondary education Around 63 million adolescents between the ages of 12 and 15 years are denied their right to an education, according to […]

Schools in Emergency: Learning From Past Mistakes

By Donna Goodman Founding Director at Earth Child Institute, UNICEF . Innovating fun and stimulating ways to raise awareness and to generate support for each and every child to fulfill her/his destiny to ‘be the change’ we need for a peaceful sustainable world for all!  Check out the amazing international work of Earth Child […]

Health in United Nations: Millennium Development Goals

The Millennium Declaration, sets out an historic commitment to eradicate extreme poverty and improve the health of the world’s poorest people by 2015. The Declaration and the resulting internationally agreed targets for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) place health squarely at the centre of the international development agenda and champion it as a key driver […]

Cultura de Paz y No-violencia

Versión inglesa (English Version) El año 2000 fue el inicio de una década para una gran movilización mundial orientada a transformar, entre todos, una cultura de guerra y violencia en una Cultura de Paz y no violencia. Según la definen las Naciones Unidas, la Cultura de Paz es un conjunto de valores, actitudes, modos de comportamiento y […]

Culture of Peace and Non-Violence

Spanish Version (Versión castellano) The United Nations, a respected world body and forum for global issues, including peace and security, is once again a leader in pressing societies for the establishment of initiatives promoting reconciliation. The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization acting as the lead UN agency, is promoting the International Decade for a Culture of Peace […]

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