Global Citizenship Education: Towards Globalizing Culture of Rights and Responsibilities
Sudha Sreenivasa Reddy Eco Foundation for Sustainable Alternatives (EFSA) India – – Abstract: It is heartening to see more and more international debates about the gravity of the issues confronting humanity with unprecedented global social, political and ecological dangers. There are very few places on the planet, which are not in a state […]

Human Rights: From a Cosmological Anthropic Principle to the Molecular Revolution of Quantum Consciousness
Versión castellano AMANDLA! Global Education Magazine is based on a new awareness focused on ethics, solidarity and cooperation as essential values for the common future of humanity. A humanity which has a complex pluriculturalism, which is inherited from the same genetic code: cosmic-biological and cultural-historical, as we proceed from the same cosmic post-Big Bang evolution. […]

Interview with Marta Benavides: “Human Rights and 23rd Century Movement”
Javier Collado Ruano: Today, 10thDecember 2013, we celebrate the 65º anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For this reason, we have a special person with us to commemorate it. Allow me to introduce Ms. Marta Benavides, a good friend from El Salvador and an international activist working on culture of peace, sustainability, inclusiveness, […]
Emerging Human Rights
Over the past decades, massive changes have taken place in the world. Without going any further, 65 years have passed since The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Member States of the United Nations have realized the necessity of a binding document (considering that UDHR is no legally binding) […]

Education about Human Rights begins in Childhood
Français Version Sonia Colasse Author the children bilingual book: “The Adventures of Enzo” e-mail: website: . Since 1948, we celebrate every year the International Day of Human Rights. Humans Rights, what a nice expression you might say. But, we all know that they are not always respected as they should. Moreover, does every country have […]

Counter-Terrorism Legislation and Fundamental Rights
Vanja Grujic PhD Student on Faculty of Law, University of Brasília, Brazil e-mail: . Abstract: In this article author addresses national security documents of United States (US) and European Union (EU) and later measures their impact on constitutional and fundamental rights. That is why the paper starts with demonstrations of definitions about terrorism that can […]

Right to Informational Self-Determination of The State and The International Human Right to Education
Mariann Rikka European Inter-University Center, E.MA e-mail: . Abstract: The article aims at discussing the relationship between the sovereignty of the state and an international human right to education with a focus on informational self-determination, including collective identity building and history education. In the first part the content of the international human right to education […]

Youth Crime Watch of Nigeria, an NGO in Special Consultative status with United Nations Economic and Social Council Human rights are “basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to regardless of nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, race, religion, language, or other status. Economic, social and cultural rights are socio-economic human rights, such as the right to education, the right to housing, and the right to health. Economic, social […]

Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya
The Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya (IHRC) carries out three parallel. yet independent, lines of work; the promotion, consultation, and teaching of human rights. In each of these areas special attention is given to relations with other institutions, network participation and study and research activities. In the area of promotion, activities of different types are carried out on diverse […]

Global Education Magazine: Human Rights Day
Download the magazine here IN MEMORIAM: NELSON MANDELA We speak here of the challenge of the dichotomies of war and peace, violence and non-violence, racism and human dignity, oppression and repression and liberty and human rights, poverty and freedom from want. Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Address (10 December 1993) AMANDLA! Global Education Magazine is […]