European Refugee Crisis – Embracing the Spirit of Volunteering

  Athanasia Zagorianou Master of laws (LLM) in Human Rights Law, University of Strathclyde. Citizens Rights Watch (CRW) Researcher & Trustees’ Council Member & Researcher for the “IWB Refugee Project” .  Keith Peter Kiely PhD in Politics, Queens University Belfast. Issues Without Borders (IWB). Researcher/Peer Reviewer/ Grants Team.  . Papuc Patricia Casandra President […]

El #voluntariado como herramienta de transformación personal y social para alcanzar un #desarrollosostenible

Adrián Matea Zoroa Graduado en Trabajo Social en la Universidad de Alicante. Máster de Servicios Públicos y Políticas Sociales en la Universidad de Salamanca. Voluntario Internacional. Email:     Resumen: Este artículo pretende dar una visión de la trascendencia del voluntariado en nuestra época. Se hace un breve repaso a la conceptualización del término como primer […]

A Volunteer Experience in Ghana

Alex Medlicott International Volunteer Website: . Abstract: I arrived in Ghana unsure of what to expect. I had done little research on the country and was completely unaware of the culture that I was about to become immersed in. I had arranged to volunteer with a local non-profit organisation, but I had absolutely […]

Global Education Magazine: International #Volunteer Day

Download here Global Education Magazine – International Volunteer Day . “All that is not given is lost” Indian Proverb .. The Ecological and Social Footprint: A Challenge for Global Citizenship La huella ecológica y social: un desafío para la ciudadanía mundial Javier Collado Ruano, Director of Edition International Volunteer Day, Salimatou Fatty Interview with Ms. Irina […]

Teaching Literacy in Jamaica

Ines Boumaiza Université ParisV – Paris Descartes, Paris, France E-mail: . Abstract: Jamaica is a country of extremes. On the one hand, wealthy Jamaicans enjoy a modern, Western lifestyle. On the other hand, the poorest people in society, that is to say about 16% of Jamaicans, live below the poverty line. Although the abolition of […]

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