Reflections for the 21st Century: On How to Discern on the Importance of International Women’s Day

 By Marta Benavides, GCAP Global Co Chair, and the Feminist Task Force/FTF, SIGLO XXIII Movement for Culture of Peace, El Salvador . The International day of Women was created in recognition and to celebrate the Rights of women workers, in order to promote their participation in the struggle for equity and equality, which presently is one […]

Turning Policy into Action: One Adolescent’s On-the-Ground Activism

Julia Carter represents a new generation of young global activists. She eschewed the traditional high school-to-college path, choosing to devote two and a half years towards international travel and community service before college. She completed a Semester of Service with our partner organization Cause & Affect Foundation, served as a Fellow for Global Citizen Year in […]

Female Genital Mutilation – Truths and Lies

Athanasia Zagorianou Strathclyde University, Glasgow. Master in Human Rights Law. e-mail: . Abstract: This article examines and analyzes the controversial issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). With goal to find the truths and the lies around the issue, this article provides a description and an analysis of important factual information regarding the practices of FGM and its […]

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