PJ Marshall Founder and Executive Director, Restore the Earth Foundation . ABSTRACT: Restore the Earth Foundation, Inc. (REF) is a social investment partner for corporations that value the Earth’s natural resources. Founded in 2010, we are a global nongovernmental organization that deploys landscape-scale ecosystem restoration projects and measures and reports the impact. Our exclusive […]

World Education Forum 2015 adopts Declaration on the Future of Global Education until 2030

 Download FINAL Declaration  2014 Peace Nobel Award Kailash Satyarthi during his speech on May 19 In April 2000, the participants of the World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, adopted the Dakar Framework for Action “Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitment“. They reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (EFA) adopted ten years earlier (Jomtien, […]

The Glory of Aga Khan

Mohamed Mediouni Université de Sherbrooke (Québec, Canada) E-mail: . . ” Educating effective future leaders is a high responsibility” His Highness The Aga Khan I am especially delighted to write in honor of the icon Aga Khan. His projects for humanity are innumerable. Health, education, religion, and poverty are the main of his interest. All […]

3rd Education Nation Conference: Education for the better future of Malaysia

Nelson Mandela once said that education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. It is the fundamental building blocks of society, of its prosperity and sustainability. In Malaysia, Vision 2020 was initiated in February 1991 and the basic goal is to create a world-class developed nation by the year of […]

Solidarity Is the Key Value of Growing Together

Français Version Sonia Colasse Author the children bilingual book: “The Adventures of Enzo” e-mail: website:   Remember our friend Enzo! A few months ago, Enzo thought you to act with great respect for the planet, as well as telling you about his adventures with Isaak and the human rights. Even if several months have passed, tolerance, respect and rights for each man are not always equal! What is solidarity? Why is it important? […]

Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World

Portraits of Sustainable Youth Leaders around the World Download here: PortraitsofYouthLeadersChildrenoftheEarth . Table of Content  1. Kehkashan Basu “It was preordained that I grow up as an eco-warrior”, Dubai 2. Demi Smoloktou “Freedom should not be taken for granted. That’s why I am promoting peace, intercultural dialogue and tolerance in the world”, Greece 3. Roebin Lijnis […]

Open Letter to Dilma Rousseff, Brazil’s President

  In the lead-up to the World Cup and following a trip to Brazil in March, I wrote to President Dilma Rousseff, asking her to welcome and embrace the protests in Brazil as an opportunity to build a more just, diverse and free society.  While in Brazil I met with representatives from Amnesty International, Article […]

Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties Movement

BACKGROUND: While the nations of the world tussled with the official documents and the statements and proclamations at the Rio+20 Summit, a vigorous Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties movement had begun to take shape—presenting an alternative, grass-roots view of what people think sustainable development might look like. The Peoples’ Sustainability Treaties (PST) were initiated by civil society organizations to develop collective […]

Children of the Earth   Mission Children of the Earth inspires and unites young people, through personal and social transformation, to create a peaceful and sustainable world. One Earth….with all her Children smiling! Slogan Inspires and unites young people for peace worldwide. Vision Our vision is that one by one, Children of the Earth will inspire young people […]

Celebrating Woman!

Rita Eluwade Author of the book “Trafficked Women- a Problem of Vulnerability without Rehabilitation” E-mail: . In celebrating Women’s day, there is a need to place more emphasis on the female gender. The female sex is one of the two sexes made from the time of creation. The exemption of the female gender in most […]

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