Global Learning Academy: Wish List

Rubina Ali, Global Education MagazineRubina Ali

Chariperson at Global Learning Academy  /


Lets see where it all began. I was living in USA(25 years) with my daughter and son and had no clue on how tough life is in the third world. As I went through the divorce and lost the luxury of having family, events, vacation and so on, it became the eye opener for me that all my life I ran after the luxury and within a split of a second its all gone so I decided to help people like me who become helpless. I started this NGO in USA but then I notice there is so much help just a phone call away so I moved to Pakistan (Balochistan) in August of 2008.

Initially I ran this NGO with the Gold jewelry , silver, Mercedez S500, and other luxury items I had but last year I had an Agakhani Donor from Australia who gave us the donation of about $80,000 then another one in USA gave us about $5400 and that’s how we have been moving along this journey. I started with Earlychidlhood centers, then primary, middle, high school and end up having boardings as kids were coming from far away districts of Balochistan.

Then I saw the health issues and started immunization centers, feeding and nutrition centers, maternal and child care centers. Once given education and health facility to the community I saw the issue of income so I started technical and vocational training centers. It so happens we end up getting many govt. hospitals and then came the shortage of health human resource so I started nursing and paramedical schools. There is also a huge population of Afghan refugees kids living at the borders of Balochistan who had no help at all. Then came a time all the farmers came to us to seek help for farming equipment and techniques. We end up having business center for those individuals with certificates and diplomas and had no jobs to set them up in small and medium enterprise to have income to support their families.

Then came the floods of Balochis need for shelters, food, Livestock survival so u can see I have had very busy 5 years in Pakistan and still fighting many help battles. Just last august I moved my home office to Islamabad, leaving Quetta as provincial headquarter to setup the institute to train the trainers and students who can take the expertise back to their province.

Now I need help as I am at the point where all this training can be put to work as small and medium entrepreneurs all the human resource can be set at mini health care facilities and mobile health units. Agriculture, mining and fisheries product can be processed and taken to global market.

My wish list:

  1. Fisheries need investors to setup processing plants and fiber glass boats processing plants. 
  2. Early childhood needs lot of books toys apparatus and teachers. 
  3. Primary, middle and high school needs books labs supplies computers clothes for the young kids teachers training payroll. 
  4. Afghan Kids need lot of food, clothes books computers teachers payroll as I am training teachers to train in Afghani curriculum they don’t need furniture kids sits on the floor. 
  5. Vocational and Technical Centers need computers equipment lab library teachers payroll, foreign jobs, we can also setup small units of technical people to earn their living just by providing sewing machines and kits for tailoring female candidates, electrician and plumbing guys under one roof three individuals per business unit to make a living in their own rural area. They don’t need space or furniture just the kits to work on their trade even used tools will do. 
  6. Health institute needs lab library teachers, teachers payroll, foreign jobs and again 2lab assistant with micro lab to perform lab test in rural areas to earn their living and two nurses (LHV/Birth attendant) per unit to deliver the babies to save the lives of young female who pass away because there is only one birth attendant per district mortality rate is at its highest in Balochistan for female and young kids. It can all be investors project too as people will pay since there is no health facility for many kilometers like lab test are done after every 400 km imagine people with malaria wont know till he die he had one. 
  7. Health mobile units need ambulance some medicine payroll for one doctor/nurse/vaccinator again it can be investment too for investors as these mobile will go door to door in rural area and can charge minimum to save lives as ambulances are only one per hospital in a district imagine the district being on 500-700 km and one ambulance u will be amaze to see the death rate here I have kids die because of just taking some detergent by not having ambulance. 
  8. Agriculture and mining marble onyx chromiteneed lot of equipment we only have excavation machines need fruit and veg processing plants and global exports. 
  9. Awareness need lot of awareness as we have been on PTV Pakistan tele and gotten many awards but no recognition at internal level. Writing a book on public health issues in the third world in September and some publication in Europe for health and education system in Pakistan but I need much more awareness at international level. 
  10. 10 tourism we trained lot of people in hotel management and tourism and send them to Africa last year and we need same opportunity for different countries or setup lodges and restaurants as I trained them as fine dining restaurant manager this will help lift the economy by having foreign currency as income for few individuals. 
  11. Foreign jobs need some immigration consultant to send some highly skilled and talented individuals to foreign countries. 
  12. outsourcing need companies who wants to outsource their IT and Finance work as we have trained individuals who can work on SAP, Oracle, Java and Ruby on Rails these are mostly software developers but jobless they have also develop software for INGO’s like USAID and Other projects for monitoring and Evaluation as well. 
  13. Research we have just recently signed with European health university to conduct research on HIV/AIDs and other communicable diseases. we need to affiliate with international institute on Agriculture / Mining Tech as it will give our students the chance to get the experts to do research with them and train them. 
  14. lastly home office Islamabad I need lot of foreign experts on health research, education specialist, consultants, psychosocial therapist, surgeons to do health camps, medicine, foreign university and institute affiliations, master trainers of fisheries/ agriculture / mining and some sectors. 

I know my wish list is big but I have already taken these challenges for 10 years and now I have to complete them or else all the work will be wasted and their dreams will be shattered.

I hope to hear from you people with lot of blessings of GOD and must share with these individuals In need as we have lot of life left to enjoy and do what we always wanted to do but giving time money and knowledge to get closer to ones destiny is the most important obligation of our life.

Take care

Dr. Rubina H Ali


This article was published on September 15th: International Day of Democracy, in Global Education Magazine.

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